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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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Ow, my friggin head... o_O

Last night, I ended up sharing with a friend, the better part of a bottle of imported Czech absinthe, with 72% AbV, that he'd got as a birthday present. Once we ran out, we brought out the Scotch >_<

Got to bed at around 4am, was woken up at 8.30am by the shitsmear living below me doing DIY (who the fuck does DIY at 8:30am on a Saturday morning?)

Needless to say, I'm feeling absolutely scrazzled, and I don't think I'll be repeating the experience in a hurry oh christ I need to lie dow- 
Excellent Story, 
Discussion Drunk 
very annoying 
Shows Middle Finger To Dj If He Doesn't Play The Song In 
it's completeness. +drunk who...
very, very honest. not if the dj is a girl. 
yea, i think you get me most of the time ;) probably more often than the other guys.. hehe

smoke: i recently noticed that i think of cancer almost as often as i think of sex. I stopped smoking last august. never touched a single cig since then... 
12pack Molsen, 1/2 Bottle Of Jack, 
a DVD of a live Dane Cook act. Typical Saturday night with my comrades. 
Don't you celebrate midsummer? I know you do in Sweden?

Sleeping outside without a tent needs, besides good weather (warm & no rain), a somewhat windy weather and place. The mosquitoes are really annoying and only leave when it gets warm and light. Also pick a place which doesn't have an ant path. >8C

Also, swimming in cold waters tends to make you feel somewhat more alive compared to all these virtual experiences that nowadays fill out a big part of a day. It doesn't last very long though.
Nature gives such incredible wealth of detail and forms and colors and sounds and smells and even touches of surface texture that it's hard to remember that when just living your days in the city.

At this old age, I don't understand the people at 5 am drinking ever more even when very tired. But a beer or few at times is good for relaxing or firing up some extrovertion. Like now.

I was using a car so didn't drink much, that's a reason too, why I didn't take much then but now some. 
was drinking 3 days in a row: the first day was my friends bday, the second was a pagan holiday we made and the third one was the continue of a pagan holiday.

Just came back from woods/mountains/sea where we celebrated it. And got some vodka and beer after I had returned to civilization 
I had my first beer in a week. Weihenstephaner original, 0.5L bottle. Nice beer. I might try their Hefeweissbier next weekend.

I'm laying off beer during the week while I read about ancient Mesopotamia and the next-dumbest "science" after sociology: anthropology. 
Oh my god. A 10% AbV stout on tap in my favourite Derby real ale pub is just asking for trouble.

It did.

wtf - the title of that post should be "Durham Temptation" - the name of the stout in question. 
Because I'm Running Out Of Non-macro Beer At The Supermarket 
Sammy Smith's Lager Beer tonight. 550ml. Nice yellow color, small white head. Little lacing. I still have an excess of mucas from being sick last weekend so my sense of smell is a bit off right now, but it smells vaguely sweet. Taste is bitter, hops, reminding me of Warsteiner (it seems I compare all lagers/pilsners to that), alcohol becomes present as the temperature approaches 50F/10C and goes beyond. Carbonation is nice, but not tons of CO2 thankfully.

I'm not sure it was worth the $3, but it's cheaper than going to the bar. 
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier 
I had Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier last night. I don't remember much about it other than it wasn't as floral or spicey as I thought it would be.

BTW Kinn, you should take it easy with teh b00ze. 
Palace Of Wisdom 
built on the steps of the road of excess or some shit like that so keep drinking Kinn. Though Absinthe, I don't know man, I have heard stories of dudes shaving their skin off with razors after embibing the green fairy. Could be pure bullshit.

I've been drinking Amstel light, tonight. 
Me, bamb and Jago. I think bamb was sober nearly the whole evening, I was mildly buzzed, and Jago had that blissful look of someone who knows he's got to get up early the next morning but doesn't care about it right there and then.

Another tomorrow? 
I've appointed a m�kkireissu.

I'm so old I don't do that alcohol thing much anymore. All the workplace parties years ago with free drinks etc... kinda took the magic off. And my parents have never taken a secretive or forbidden aspect to drinking, it's normal to have some with good friends. So there was never a mystery for me to "explore". :/

I think my stomach didn't like that whateveritwas half-salmari-half-unknown shot and I've been a little tired and painful today.

Jago: for some reason it was quieter than two weeks ago, even in the bar I went then later to. But on weekends it's always more stuff. 
Yeah, waking up at 7 AM the next morning was slightly painful, but I did manage to do it and get to work on time :) 
Oh And 
I get off work at 15.00, leaving Helsinki at around 17.20 and I am out of money until Monday, so I can't stick around unfortunately. Maybe some other time :) 
Heard You 
boys wanted to check out the gay bars! 
Keeping Up Appearances 
It was slightly awkward, meeting a friend's little brother in a gay bar (not the "gay" bar where everyone is straight, but the gay bar, not the hard gay bar though), when I'm hanging around with Jago who is wearing makeup and a gay shirt. :)
No, it was fine really. Vigil made us do it.

Ok, this subject is starting to get beaten to death. 
Bambuz I wasn't wearing any makeup that day. 
Oh Well 
how would I know. Didn't you say you had some? And the shirt. Dunno / don't remember. 
Bambuz I wasn't wearing any makeup that day.

yeah whatever

Jago said he sometimes puts makeup on when he goes out. And I happen to think DTM is a nice, clean place, though I have no idea why it was so empty that night.

Now, what you should be asking is what was the little brother doing there. 
What I'm asking is why all three of you decided to go to a gay bar.

I mean, you clearly had enough people and of the correct gender to have a gay orgy already. 
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