Author here.
@Hipnotic Rogue: Good to hear it's working well for you, and thanks for the link.
Re: getting this code in QS and QSS, well... vanilla QS, I'd say highly unlikely. QSS is still unlikely, but maybe less so (Spike was looking into it, I think).
@metlslime: Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, there's a small bug in that initial release (dynamic lights had artifacts on AMD), so I'd strongly recommend getting the
following one instead.
@Barnak: Unfortunately, MacOS isn't supported because Apple deprecated OpenGL and stopped updating it around version 4.1, which lacks compute shaders.
@oh, that person: That's probably it, sorry. What GPU/OS are you using? In any case, the next release will have slightly better error messages for unsupported systems.
@mankrip: I look forward to the day someone makes that map because then I'll be able to justify spending more time on optimizations. In the meantime, people can play not just ad_tears, but even TerShib the way their authors intended.
As for the lightmaps - you could have 4 textures instead of 1 (or one with 4 layers, or an atlas), one for each lightstyle a face could have. RGB would hold the color, alpha would be the lightstyle index. Since that index is constant per face, you can still interpolate the texels, then use the (interpolated) alpha value to find the light style index and the corresponding scaling factor for the (interpolated) RGB. Esentially, doing a just-in-time lightmap update with bilinear filtering without storing the result in an intermediate texture.
@knew: It would be nice if all the QS forks got merged, but I very much doubt it'll happen. Too many cooks and all.
@Berzerk2k2: Glad to hear that! If you do find issues with it, please let me know on github.
@mh: As much as I appreciate the simplicity and the extra precision of the method you're alluding to, I've actually implemented it and it's a bit slower on a GTX 1060 at 1080p (by ~9% on ad_zendar and ad_sepulcher, ~7% on ad_tears and vanilla demo1, and ~5% on shib8). I might still try a few tweaks, but I'm not expecting a reversal - the compute shader only runs at 10 Hz, and only on tiles that have lightstyles with changes. That being said, I'm still open to suggestions.
Re: BSP traversal - I think Novum tried it for vkQuake and concluded it was slower, but I am curious to see how other attempts might fare.