I Am Not Buying It
#1 posted by Jago on 2010/03/22 21:30:39
Unless it's a STEAM sale. Get it?
#2 posted by nonentity on 2010/03/22 22:30:38
No. I don't get it.
I also don't get how there are multiple slots, what kind of occursed multi-rectum'd hell creature is this czg?
 He's From Norway
#3 posted by DaZ on 2010/03/23 03:23:13
and in Norway, having more than 1 rectum helps you catch more fish, or something.
#4 posted by Shambler on 2010/03/23 10:05:46
Fat blokes have lots of anuses!
And yes pre-orders on Steam available of course.
#5 posted by Vondur on 2010/03/23 10:10:38
i'll take 2
 Is This The First In A Series?
I mean, I'd pass the opportunity this time, but, if this could somehow hamper my prelation rights for future offerings, I'll jump straight in.
Do you plan to start a monthly Pillaging of Mappers' anuses (anii? Anee?).
Please let me know about this most interesting initiative.
#7 posted by Shambler on 2010/03/23 21:39:59
Von, activation code has been sent to vondur@vondur.von
silent, at the moment we're just starting with czg as he is the most obvious choice, but others may be added in future. Particularly if czg ruptures during the process.
#8 posted by Vondur on 2010/03/24 16:01:46
got it, thanks!
 That Was Close.
#9 posted by Morfans on 2010/03/24 17:14:31
I look away from this board for... a couple of years... and I nearly miss this amazing offer.
If I just buy one "plunging" and enjoy it and buy another, do I still get the third one free? Or must I order both at the same time?
 Sham - Haftapostit
#10 posted by some eediot on 2010/03/25 10:28:04
did you eedits all see this ?
#11 posted by Shambler on 2010/03/25 10:48:10
That is the flagship theme map of this momentous event.
Morfans, sorry, must be purchased at the same time. You might get a free t-shirt prize though.
 Genius. And...
...I don't wanna see when Shambler pulls the plug.
Really. I don't.
 I Was On The Beta
#13 posted by Lunaran on 2010/03/26 05:30:45
it was terrific. deffo on board for this at release
#14 posted by RickyT33 on 2010/03/26 11:57:47
We miss you Lunaran!
#15 posted by Zwiffle on 2010/03/26 14:59:17
You come back to post on THIS thread?
I guess I'm disappointed. Sure.
#16 posted by Spirit on 2010/03/26 15:07:17
He has a google alert on the keywords "anus" and "pillaging".
 Who Doesn't?
#18 posted by spy on 2010/03/26 17:48:46
just leave CZG's ass alone
#19 posted by Shambler on 2010/03/26 17:54:10
It's out of my hands now, quite literally.
 I Heard
#20 posted by Friction on 2010/03/26 20:39:35
this is the hip thread to post at
 CZG's Anus...
#21 posted by JPL on 2010/03/26 21:55:02
... is a huge hole full of shit...
oh wait...
My mistake: I looked at his brain :P
#22 posted by rj on 2010/03/27 00:21:33
please tell me you didn't leave just because of willem :P
#23 posted by Trinca on 2010/03/27 00:46:57
make maps not GAY anal sex
#24 posted by ijed on 2010/03/27 00:54:17
Mention of CZG's anus gets all the pros coming out of the woodwork... I have been misled about mapping.
 It Is The Connoisseurs Choice...
#25 posted by Shambler on 2010/03/27 00:58:41
There will be Speedpillaging themes soon, and also a 100Dick contest at some point in the future.