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Mark V - Release 1.00

* Nehahra support -- better and deeper link
* Mirror support, "mirror_" textures. video
* Quaddicted install via console (i.e. "install travail")
* Full external texture support DP naming convention
* Enhanced dev tools texturepointer video inspector video
* IPv6 support, enhanced server capabilities
* Enhance co-operative play (excels at this!)
* Software renderer version (WinQuake)
* "Find" information command (ex. type "find sky")

Thanks to the beta testers! NightFright, fifth, spy, gunter, pulsar, johnny law, dwere, qmaster, mfx, icaro, kinn, adib, onetruepurple, railmccoy

And thanks to the other developers who actively provided advice or assistance: Spike (!), mh, ericw, metlslime and the sw guys: mankrip and qbism.

/Mac version is not current yet ...; Linux will happen sometime in 2017
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You've probably been informed about "sinking into ground" bug that occurs after about an hour of playing in DirectQ...

I fucked-up the physics code somewhere, but never was able to determine where. 
Yeah... it's a pity.

Apart from that terrible bug, DirectQ is still great

startdemos demo1 demo2 demo3 demo3 etc up to 32 demos
or edit your autoexec.cfg and add :

demos demo1 demo2 demo3 demo4 demo5 demo6 demo7 etc.. 
Oops! That's Not Right 
startdemos assigns the order demos is the console command to skip to the next one in sequence.
so just use startdemos either in the .cfg or console 
I wasn't too clear in my request.

Currently Mark V records 3 autodemos per session: autodemo_0, 1 & 2. If I die a 4th time (happens too often!) autodemo_0 will start from that point in the game, erasing my prior demos. What I'd like is to just keep recording demos 3, 4, 5 and so on.

And would love to have the demo be named the same as the mapname. So e1m3_0, e1m3_1 and so on. 
Anti-funky Weapon Interpolation Models 

I have a set of view models that someone fixed to work better with interpolation, by hiding the muzzle flash under the gun between the frames where it should appear, so it don't look as weird when fully interpolated. This doesn't make it look perfect (there is still some small movements visible), but it is a definite improvement (most notably for the standard nailgun).

I have no idea where I got these.... I've had them for many years.

Uhh, to use those in Mark V, you'll have to make a mod folder and put them in a "progs" folder in there, and run that game folder (but then they'll only work when you run using that game folder), or go to the hassle of sticking them in an extra pak file to drop in your id1 folder so they will always be used... which I'm sure is what you want.

This is a overly-difficult because Baker doesn't have Mark V (like the other advanced Quake engines) give preference to user-inserted drop-in content outside of pak files. But it really should do that, for reasons such as this! ;) 
Qrack has cl_autodemo which names demos automatically.
using mapname_date_time as the filename.
cl_autodemo 1 starts recording at mapload and stops at intermission.
Qrack also has bsp2 support with protocol 666 so it will load any map that markv can load. if that helps for the time being 
Downloaded - will play with it for sure. Looks like you are still updating this regularly. I wasn't aware. 
let me know if there are any config issues i can
help you set it up. 
Dwere Did Some Really Nice Weapon Models 
Thank you, mate :)

I will surely give it a try. 
MH wrote a nifty ‘hack’ to remove muzzle flash polygons
from the original models.
look for gl_clip_muzzleflash here in gl_mesh 
This hack, IIRC, is pretty much what I described above. It's a good few years ago so I don't remember details, but I'm pretty certain it uses the same logic. 
Quake Giblets: Mark V 
Enjoy! Feedback welcome. I can always do a sequel with more features. 
NE_Ruins (Custom Map) 
A terrible freeze occurs if I use "LAST WEAPON" command bound to MWHEELUP, especially when I picked up the Quad Super Shotgun (Looks like super shotgun from Quake 2). Once I use "bind "MWHEELUP" impulse 12" it freakin' freezes. Only task manager helps to shut the game.

Also Mark V shut down once I entered the bridge with Death Knights. 
NE_Ruins (Custom Map) 2 
It's impossible complete this one with Mark V.

I've solved an issue with a freeze glitch discribed above by setting the following cvar :

"sv_gameplayfix_no_impulse12_override" to "0"

but the enemy which uses yellow shield (some sort of a witch) around itself causes the engine to crash. Once it starts to use that kind of attack the engine instantly crashes.

An emergence of this bug was also tested with a default cfg to eliminate a suspicion that something is wrong with setup. 
Mark V Mouse Input Issues 
Hi guys! New to Mark V, but really enjoying it. The only problem is the mouse input issues that others have touched upon recently, and I have a few things to add:

1. My mouse1 button does tend to get stuck not firing or stuck continuously firingas mentioned before, however it doesn't just extend to mouse1:
-mouse2 also tends to have the problem sometimes in the rare circumstance I use it to scope in. It's difficult to recreate by accident but I can do it sometimes if I purposefully mash it.
-mouse4 and mouse5 also seem to be affected. I use them for next and previous weapon, and they often just don't respond at all.

2. These problems only happen in Mark V, like others have experienced. It cannot ever be recreated in any other game, application, or circumstance. It doesn't seem to matter which mouse I use, either.

3. The most interesting thing is the fact that this doesn't seem to affect other types of keys. I never experienced the issue once after remapping my left click to Ctrl in my mouse software. Furthermore, I had previously mapped the side buttons to 1 and 2 instead of mouse4 and mouse5 in my mouse software and until I changed it back to normal I had never had a problem with those buttons in Mark V.

4.It doesn't seem to be a Windows 10 only issue, as I'm running Windows 7.

Hopefully this can get fixed, because I am really enjoying this engine a lot otherwise. It's difficult to discuss issues like this online without others immediately blaming your mouse despite all the evidence to the contrary or just telling you to switch to another engine like Quakespasm :P 
Re: Post 2476 
Errr... that crash bug with the witch resurrecting fallen enemies in NE_Ruins was fixed years ago. I had reported the issue and delivered hints to fix the problem back then. Are you sure you are using a recent build for Mark V? If it's crashing with a new version, then the issue was accidentally reintroduced and requires fixing again. 
Post 2476 
I'm using v1.99 (Revision 4)

From the section "Download Windows .Zip"

"DirectX / GL / WinQuake''

It seems that this bug bug emerges on the newest version... 
Re: Post 2476 
Yay, that means that Baker must have reverted these fixes in one of his last updates. Try using a previous snapshot and see if it works with those. We need to find the build that broke it. 
Ne_Ruins was fixed back then in beta 14 of pre-v1.0:

As you can see, that was back in 2015. The problem back then was "incorrect handling of entities with alpha=0" according to Baker. If he did anything in the meantime that undid this, it's clear why the crashes occur (again).

I am not sure if I had reported the impulse12 issue as well, but when I played Ne_Ruins with that beta build back then, I know I had zero crashes. 
Re Post 2481 
"Mark V - Version 1.99 - Revision 2 (Stable?)
#2092 posted by Baker on 2018/05/08 23:25:05"

Have just tried "Revision 2" from post #2092

Same issue, same occasion.

Game crashes 
Re: 2476 
You will probably need to go back further. It's possible it broke last year or even earlier again... I never checked it a second time after the fix since I assumed it would not break twice. Makes me wonder which of my reported issues are still solved. Gulp. 
Ne_Ruins Crash Reproduction 
So I have tried builds dating back to 1001 (Nov 21, 2016) and it still crashes. This needs investigation.

Please download this savegame for testing purposes (zipped, 66 KB) and copy it into your ne_ruins directory, then load it with F9 ingame.

How to reproduce the issue:
- Go around the corner
- Kill ONLY the Death Knights
- Let the succubus with wings alive and let it resurrect the Death Knights
- Stay in FOV of the succubus, crash will occur eventually

Sad that this problem returns to the stable builds. However, couldn't reproduce the impulse12 crash. I can go back and forth through my weapon inventory without issues. 
RE Ne_Ruins Crash Reproduction 
I have just checked it out following your instructions.
The crash occured immediatly right after the succubus started resurrecting those guys. Yeah, that's pretty inconvenient to have this stuff emerging in stable builds.

Concerning "impulse12" related crash. You gotta have super shotgun and quad super shotgun in your possession.
Try to scroll previous/last/next weapon with any button you assigned to execute that action. The game freezes then. 
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