Looks Good!
#2454 posted by madfox on 2016/12/29 23:37:08
Just installed Trenchboom to see if it would work. And indeed, it shows up well. Made the setup in my Quake directory and choosed the preference file.
In the texture editor I have a view for the monsters and items.
My texture files are all blanked out, so I use the glass near the Groups and Used to look for my wad file.
It won't show up.
Is there a way to make them so, like a path to my wad file?
#2455 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/29 23:49:57
Click on "show" at the bottom of your texture browser, then click "+" to search for your wad(s).
#2456 posted by madfox on 2016/12/30 01:41:31
I can open a map but my txtbrowser is blanked out.
#2457 posted by mfx on 2016/12/30 01:48:51
Is this under WindowsXP again?
First of all, Windows XP is no longer officially supported. Second of all, you should be using TB 2. Third of all, you can read the manual (Help menu) to find out how to load textures.
RGB Textures
there was a contribution that added support for loading textures from loose files. I think it supported jpg and tga or something like that. It will not be included in TB 2.0 however.
#2460 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/30 02:28:15
Windows XP is no longer officially supported.
But you did fix this issue some time ago. My TB2 works fine in XP (build 2f3c498). Are you saying that the more recent builds won't work again?
#2461 posted by mfx on 2016/12/30 02:30:58
read it as it may work, but if not it is only fixable with an OS change.
OS=Operating System!
Location Outdated?
#2462 posted by madfox on 2016/12/30 02:37:26
TrenchBroom_Win32_1.1.6_381 is the link for download,
I can't find a TB2.
OS & OS2
#2463 posted by madfox on 2016/12/30 02:51:10
TrenchBroom-Win32-2.0.0-Interim-f7fe54e-RelWithDebInfo and TrenchBroom-Win32-2.0.0-Interim-0e1a90a-RelWithDebInfo.7z
both give a "MSVCP140.dll" was not found.
TrenchBroom_Win32_1.1.6_381.zip works fine on Wi nXp, both S2 S3 Servicepacks and Visualbasic2010.
Strange my items and monsters do appear while textures won't.
#2464 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/30 03:48:22
Try the build I mentioned in post #2460, it works fine on my XP SP3. Go to the link provided in the first post, click Download, then Windows, and scroll down the page to find it: oddly, the page displays the 1.16 builds first. As for the missing dll, I bet it's because you need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 redistributable package (it's a requirement mentioned on the download page).
Rogue One
#2465 posted by Kinn on 2016/12/30 03:55:58
Welp. That was definitely a thing. I found the goody characters rather boring and undeveloped and impossible to give a shit about. Rather charmless. New baddy Krennic chap was good though. However I liked the film overall - a lot actually - because once it gets going, the action is balls-to-the-wall amazeballs and super-ultra-Star-Warsy. I guess that makes me part of the problem. :/
A certain key human character from the OT is resurrected via CGI...it's pretty awesome that the character is there and has a surprisingly amount of screentime, but the fact that the CG is definitely not perfect just makes it really weird.
#2466 posted by Kinn on 2016/12/30 03:57:35
That was obviously meant for the film thread. I have had a few pints...
Thx Kinn
#2467 posted by mfx on 2016/12/30 04:09:09
the warning and stuff, idk... Im spoiled hard right now..
#2468 posted by ericw on 2016/12/30 04:51:43
TB2 switched visual studio versions recently so you need to install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015
@Madfox, once you install that, build 0e1a90a (the one I linked a few days ago) should work on XP.
Good To Know, Thanks Eric.
#2469 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/30 05:20:16
#2470 posted by madfox on 2016/12/30 06:06:15
That did the trick.
Hey thanks for this editor, Sleepwlkr & ericw!
And all that helped of course.
I was just accostumed to Radiant, but it has that dark view.
Windows XP
will work, but I will not go to great lengths to keep it that way.
Fair Enough
#2472 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/30 14:22:31
I still need to upgrade to 7 anyway, it's only a matter of time.
#2473 posted by ebi on 2016/12/30 16:52:58
Funny these comments have been happening recently. I came here to say that Trenchbroom 2 does not work correctly on my Windows XP laptop. It doesn't render textures.
#2474 posted by Mugwump on 2016/12/30 18:04:01
Have you installed the Visual C++ requirement as stated above?
That can have many reasons. First off, are you sure that it actually finds the textures? You can check out the console to find out if TB has problems locating the textures.
Visual C++ 2015
#2476 posted by Mugwump on 2017/01/11 08:50:58
Doin' It Wrong
#2477 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/01/13 07:34:02
Can you spot what's wrong in this picture?
(Hint: my compiled map and .lit aren't being copied)
Is this a bug, or is there something wrong with my "Copy Files" actions? I can't tell.
Isn't it MODS and not MOD? But either way, there should be an error message. Please submit an issue.