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the real trick is converting them to quake palette well. i didn't like czg's attempt as they turned really teal.

Or include the 24bit ones as external tgas... like that one doom map that someone did. 
haha yeah, that's always an option. :)

I think i'd still scale them down 50% so that the pixel density matches the rest of the game, but kept the original palette. 
This was Lunaran's finest hour correct? 
I Thought The Same Thing 
Does this site have an irc on quakenet? 
#terrafusion #yoloswag #rekt 
(Just the first one actually) 
Aftershock Textures? 
Those noisy purple bricks should look stylish on something. 
Check Sm174 
Not if you are looking for mapping discussion. 
Absolutely if you're looking for mapping discussion, there's been plenty of fresh and intelligent discussion the past few days following both the jam1 and jam2 releases. 
#terrafusion Is Very NSFW 
be warned! 
Yea, I thought that discussion were also taken on some irc channel by people on these forums =)

My earlier "OK" was directed towards Spirits answer, but your post got in between. 
#24683 I uploaded the original Thred wad to Quaketastic with the name
RE: #terrafusion Is Very NSFW 
Well sure. All of that penis talk and such. Look guys, bad touch on a rag doll is still bad touching. 
The Number Of Penii 
has stalled since czg isn't around that much anymore. 
The Plural Of Penis Is Not Penii 
But It Should Be. 
Why are we even talking about the plural of penises? Shambler not withstanding most of us just don't care...

There are more people than just Shambler who suck on multiple penises. 
There are more people than just Shambler who suck on multiple penises.

And to completely take what my grandmother once said way out of context: God bless them all for doing it. 
I miss my penicilin.., 
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