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Map Jam 2: Ikwhite/ikblue 
The second Map Jam pack is released! The theme for this pack was the ikwhite/ikblue texture set by Iikka Ker�nen, and we have 8 great maps to show for it!

Map Pack Authors - cocerello, ericw/fifth, lunaran, mfx, scampie, skacky, sock, tronyn

Download Mirror Readme 
How Did This End Up Here? 
Shambler and I both submitted news at the same time, delete mine if you want 
Haven't posted here in years... but occasionally lurk to see what everyone is up to.

Stumbled on this trailer recently. Interesting that a quite a few studios seem to be heading back to Arena FPS games!!

Kinda looks like a cross between UT, Q2 & Halo.. lol. This game is built on the Unreal Engine, so similarities to UT is kinda expected I guess. 
Looks like a cross between UT, UT, and UT. I look forward to the Epic lawsuit. 
Want in on a Ep4 mini-episode?

It'll be different from the map jams since it'll feature custom progs and a couple of new enemies.

Time frame probably a month or two. 
Want To Organize Jam 3 Then? 
I volunteered for the third session in #tf (with the theme being Zerst�rer inspired maps) but if you want to then go ahead. 
I've no objection to it.

The extra enemies are an exploding zombie, a fast zombie based off Necros' one from Altar of Storms and a boss creature. Obviously, no requirement to use them if you don't want to.

I would want a start map and a boss map, so maybe this doesn't fit the Jam template. 
Bal, Vondur, SleepwalkR, I gave you all ownership powers over the channel.

I'm taking a break from IRC, and will be less frequent here for awhile. 
And Nothing Of Value Was Lost. 
Just kidding, hope you spend your time off in brave new ways. 
Props to Sock for getting the Jamball rolling.

May it never gather moss. 
A rolling jamball probably gathers lots of gross stuff. :-/ 
This Thing Happens BTW 
If it a Jam or not.

And that means you, OTP, getting yur shit together.

I might just do my job in any case - the creative part is up to all you lopsided diamonds. 
real mappers 
You all sleep far too much.

I'm gonna keep this as a personal thing unless certain people bug me too much.

GRahhhh More Quake 
I miss you 
And that means you, OTP, getting yur shit together.

I have nothing to do with this thing. 
Guys I Need A Help With External Model Textures 
for example i got primevil deathmatch pak
what should i do to enable exttex in quake

i put em in id1 directory - >
textures(some .tga files)->
progs - some .tga files
models - some .tga files

health and ammo paks are working just fine, but v_models and g_models won't work

i got a mod and just dropped all files there and it works , besides RL g_ 
fitzquake/quakespasm? cause it doesn't support it.
rmq engine does though.

health and ammo packs are technically maps, which those engines do support, just not .mdls. 
Map Jam 3 
Daikatana Episode 4 WAD 
Has some but I don't know if I would call them good... 
maybe have a mapjam with the only requirement it has to use a totally new texture set 
1 post not shown on this page because it was spam
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