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Male echidnas have a four-headed penis. During mating, the heads on one side "shut down" and do not grow in size; the other two are used to release semen into the female's two-branched reproductive tract. Each time it has sex, it alternates heads in sets of two. 
facebook status worthy 
Why did I read that as "Enchilada" at first? Time to go make dinner I guess. 
Does Anyone Have 
a copy of Left 4 Dead (1 or 2) that they don't need and would gift to me?

That be awesome. 
Those are, like, $5 on Steam aren't they? :) 
20 Euros Here 
The fuck? They give it away like Pez almost every Steam sale ... 20 Euros for games that old is insane. 
I Think I Have A Spare L4D2 
Whats your steam id? 
Nope Sorry 
It's Portal 2 I have a spare copy of, sorry... 
Thanks Anyway! 
SleepwalkR, what's your Steam name? I'm warren.marshall, add me. 
Even if it were on sale, keep in mind you can only buy a low violence version in Germany (and Australia) which sucks. 
Damn it SleepwalkR ... I can't gift you what you already own! :) 
Nevermind then, this is getting ridiculous. The backstory is this: A colleague and I want to play L4D, but 20 Euros for a 5 year old game is ludicrous. So he bought it on DVD from ebay, but of course it's used so he can't register it with Steam. He was frustrated as hell, and I want to play L4D, so I thought I'd ask around if someone has a spare copy.

Fuck Steam. 
Steam claims you own both games. It won't let me gift anything to you. :P I assumed someone else had already hooked you up... 
You could trade the game. This way it'll be in Sleepy's inventory and he can gift it to his colleague. 
Yeah, the previous owner probably forgot to unregister his key or some shit. 
do explain... 
Apparently If You Write To Steam 
they can remove the inactive copy you have, then Willem can try and gift you it again... 
now that sounds massively convenient. 
You could trade the game. This way it'll be in Sleepy's inventory and he can gift it to his colleague.
do explain...

1)Buying the game as an Inventory item to be traded.
Add game to cart.
Click 'Purchase as a Gift'.
Click 'Store the gift in my inventory to send later'.
The game is now an 'item' in your Steam inventory.

2)Trading an item with another Steam User.
Go to your friend's profile and click the 'More' drop down button.
Click 'Offer a trade'.
In the trade window, browse your inventory to 'Steam' (this may be the only catagory you have).
Drag the game 'item' to the right side and confirm the contents of the trade.
Your friend will then need to accept the trade. 
Spirit Are You There? 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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