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I know that, you buttheads 
If You Didn't Realize... 
Got My Results Back For The FdSc Degree I Spent The Last 3 Years Doing 
My overall average grade was 69.72%, which is an upper second. Or an upper-upper second to be more precise. But I just bumped into my tutor who told me it would get rounded up to a 70%, which will make it a 1st! So I'm pretty happy about that today...

It worked, too, QuakeC now looks a LOT less intimidating lol :) 
Well done! 
Good effort calibration there Ricky :) 
my degree (10 years ago...) got rounded up to an upper second ;) Was very relieved about that, since there was a bunch of math shit that I hated and thought I had failed. First is way more pwn though. Well done. 
Thanks Guys :) :) :) 
Mfx, Negke, SleepwalkR 
I fear for your collective livers. 
"phew, That Was Close" 
Look at all those sad Brazilian faces! 
Spirit, Mfx, Negke, SleepwalkR 
Congrats on the win 
Just amazing.
I'd like to see a Sth American team win in their home continent... but the Brazilians were just such primadonnas :( 
Since We Were Talking About Exams 
Certificate in Advanced English


And just this morning, I had a dream where I went to take this exam, was late, and decided I'm going to retake it in 6 months. Then I dreamt of my dad's reaction to that and I woke up in a quite cold sweat. 
Also 'Rather well done, fine Sir.' 
It's Everyone's Favorite Gameshow! 
Who made it? id software, or madfox? 
Definitely Madfox 
hey do you know what time it is in brazil? oh about 7 past cesar

hey did you hear about the brazilian football team's tribute to neymar? he couldn't play, so none of the rest of them did either

i hear it was the second biggest massacre in german history

but not the first time a few thousand germans will have to lie low in brazil for a while

pornhub has had to ask its users to stop uploading clips of "young brazilians getting fucked by the entire german football team"

that one's actually true

world cup discussion: over

go map 
Screw The Axe! 
i have no words 
madfox, you have reached new heights! 
Level Design Tip: Fewer Doorways For Less Confusion? 
start with fewer teleporters :) 
Could we please get a less crazy password for Quaketastic? Every time I want to upload something (when it is not saved in the browser), I have to go to func to look it up. 
Yeah I Think It Should Go Back To What It Was Before 
A self-reference to ones adoration to the hub of shub... 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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