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Preliminary List Of Brushwerks 
Zendar - The Horde of Zendar
ne_ruins - The Altar of Storms
honey - Honey
marcher - The Marcher Fortress
contract - Contract Revoked
dm7rmx - Geophobia
metmon - Metal Monstrosity
Kellmet1 - I pity thee not
rubicon2 - Rubicon 2
base_debris - Fort Ratsack
rpgsp1 - Penile Devestation
unforgiven - Unforgiven
ne_lend_doom - The Living End
Ivory1b - The Ivory Tower
hrim_sp2 - The Rest Is Silence
Terra - Terra
kinn_bastion - Bastion Of The Underworld
cda - Castle Of The Dark Ages
red777 - Red 777
chapter_necros2 - Are You Yet Living

Anything that sticks out as being overlooked? 
Ooooh. Huh. Well I guess I could supply one data point... here's a list of the SP maps I've felt compelled to take screenshots of for sharing on Steam. I wouldn't demand to see all of them on a Best Of list, but if some of these ring a bell or show up in other people's lists then maybe they are cool!

(all of sock's releases)
The Altar of Storms (Necros)
Conference of the Shamblers (skacky)
True Love Waits (Kandyman, in Zerstorer)
Blutsturtz (Kandyman, in Zerstorer)
puentaltrono (scragbait, in Travail)
tejido de cicatriz (distran, in Travail)
Ascending & Descending (negke)
Something Wicked This Way Comes (Tronyn, Tyrann, Necros)
For My Babies - Bin Dunne Gorne 2 (Mike Woodham)
Gloomier Keep (Kell)
For Love of Evil (Hrimfaxi)
Geophobia (Than)
honey (czg)
Arcanum (Tronyn, Pulsar, distrans)
The Anomaly 2: Water (Digs)
Unforgiven (Tronyn)
A Roman Wilderness of Pain (Tronyn)

Other things come to mind but I'll have to get back to work... more posting later if my favorites haven't been covered by someone else. :-) 
Christ Zacharias Gay Oh Seven 
dm too? 
Cool List 
Thanks Johnny!

I think I have too many maps now :D Won't be enough time in the video to show them all so it comes down to what kind of cool transitions I can get between the levels. 
Yeah we trust you to narrow down the list to whatever works in your video! It will probably come down to things like "I've already got four base maps, should probably find a wizmet map", etc.

Just throwing stuff out there for consideration.

Other maps that came to mind: Red Slammer, Red 777, various ikspq, and... a bunch more Than maps. 
Definitely something by Tronyn! For example, a flythrough of this area from NSOE, Something Wicked and Arcanum. 
Maybe wickedstart.bsp from something wicked - amazing cyclopean architecture! 
"This Is Phil Fish" 
some ikspq
sm48_crap <3
some necros
negke's damn spider map from travail (qte2m6)
negke's sm48ish sm map 
I had to load up that map because I didn't remember what it was!

Can't really use small speed maps though, not enough substance 
Phil Fish 
I never understood why people hated him. But then again I avoid social media - I only signed into facebook last year.

Good video. 
Phil Fish 
Critiques everyone but can't stand being critiqued. 
Sry, Read Over The Video Post 
It's interesting! 
necros, you sadist. I am trying to finish your 100b3 map. 
but... why..? :P 
That's Our Kind Of Girl 
And That Was The 18th Anniversary Of Quake, Too! 
It all fits! 
my defs are ruined.

()void touche RETURN FALSE;
EF_BRIGHTFIELD = overload 
Space Hulk 
�1.90p on Steam w00t! 
1 post not shown on this page because it was spam
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