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Quake On GBA 
Check this article out:

Look at the screenshots, try and spot the IKBase texture!

Also, is it just me or is one of those maps one of Aardappel's "Ish" maps?

The company involved also seem to be interested in ( possibly buying ) Quake "content" from people, check out their homepage: 
More Quake On GBA 
More browsing of the GBA quake site has revealed that it definitely is one of Aardappels maps! Maybe I've just not been paying attention to stuff. 
metlslime, true, it's Quake-ier though.

nitin, I will always be calling it a demo or possibly "eternal beta." On the other hand, I don't see having polish and all the details to be the whole story. I also don't see it any more annoying than a good Quake finale, which also may take several tries (which I like). The pacing is sort of backwards, because I wanted to get down to business right away. I finally learned to use alternate fire playing this stuff....

It also might be argued that, even though simple, the first room is better looking than anything Quake can cough up.

Shambler, of course I want people to play it, but that wasn't what got me riled up. I didn't know if anyone had played it or not, only that no one told me one way or the other. Ain't the first time no one's told me anything either. Meanwhile, the normal blather continues and the first post is buried 60 posts back. People always looking for some excuse to *not* play games or like anything, maybe?

I consider this not Unreal at all, but instead another game using the Unreal elements. The mod part is only one aspect of that, the "break". The upcoming level, should I finish it, will have *some* Unreal story ties and beauty only because I don't have time or energy to put out 10 more levels first hammering in that point.

abyss, sorry; wrath, glad to please; others, you don't have to stop here. 
ok, see, here's where you look like a first class, prime cut, grade A cry-baby.

there's an expression, 'build it and they will come', ever heard of that one? it's never more true than in the mod community. if your project fails to stir up interrest it is, solely, because it isn't up to par with the competition.

people are cretins, blathering sheep, yes - but telling them that, whining 'they don't get it' is a sure fire way of distancing yourself to your target audience, the aforementioned sheep.

I haven't even visited the webpage of your project. and why is that? is it because I don't get it? because I'm to busy looking for excuses not playing games?

no, you have failed in getting me interrested in clicking a link. not the toughest of efforts either mind you.

getting all up in arms about it isn't really helping you, is it? may I instead recommend building? 
On the bobbeetec page they have shots of both e1m2ish and sloppy.

Too bad they don't give much info on what you get in return for letting them use your content. 
Who Was It? 
That was asking for a flame war? Well point them here kthxdie!

Well, my OPINION (omg!) is that if I want bundle matches with Unreal enemies I will play the invasion game mode in UT2003. 
It was you who asked for a flame war! 
how "quakey" does an unreal map have to be before people WITHOUT UNREAL INSTALLED can play it? 
<quote>Shambler, of course I want people to play it, but that wasn't what got me riled up. I didn't know if anyone had played it or not, only that no one told me one way or the other. Ain't the first time no one's told me anything either. Meanwhile, the normal blather continues and the first post is buried 60 posts back. People always looking for some excuse to *not* play games or like anything, maybe? </quote>

While I thoroughly disagree with what you're doing here - getting upset and making wild accusations instead of first asking intelligent questions of "why?" - I do empathize your situation. I've created mods and posted them to various forums and gotten a silence so deep it was deafening. You crave that feedback, because it means someone actually tried, and has whitnessed what you put so much work into. Often, getting flamed for a terrible map is far better than getting no response at all.

When I released my Quake1 mod Ace Of Nails and posted news here, I got a way better response than what I could have ever expected - two people tried it. One even posted comments in the Inside3d board, which I am very grateful for. I got useful feedback, and the satisfying acnowledgement that at least two people from func_msgboard had actually tried and whitnessed my creation.

For the rest of the people, the most frequent comment was "I don't do Deathmatch/Multiplayer". Didn't even give it a try. However, I'm not mad at them. Dissapointed, yes (I was looking forward to their comments); but I wasn't expecting them to take time out of their day playing a mod they didn't expect to enjoy.

When people here release maps - even Quake1 maps - I may download them if the screenshots interest me. And, if I somehow get the time and get in the mood, I'll pop the zip disk into my computer at home and actually play a few maps. The fate of a good 50-70% of the maps I see is to sit on my hard drive or zip disk and wait an eternity for me to find time for them between all my homework and other games.

However, when I do play a map, I usually go out of my way to post comments on them. Posting honest comments takes little work - I just write what I thought. You won't hear about misaligned textures or other nitpicks from me (I'm just a coder and a gamer, after all), but you will get comments on how much I enjoyed the map. Often specific areas that caught my interest, as well as problem areas that gave me trouble, will make it in there too. I'll comment on architecture, playability, and overall "awesomeness" (yes, the omnipotent technical term) of the map.

I do this because I, as a mod author, know what it's like to not recieve feedback. And, I respect a great many people on this board and feel they deserve some of my time.

The reason I didn't play your map? I own UT and UT2003, but not Unreal I or II. I didn't hear much good about it, and couldn't afford to buy a substandard game. It's nothing personal against you, I'm just poor and lazy. 
yeah, and they also used a couple of rubicon textures.

Anyway, it's a cool project. 
could've been me too. you know how I am, all kiked up on bloodlust and what not. 
You have put your foot in it

The reason I didn't play your map? I own UT and UT2003, but not Unreal I

For Unreal or Unreal Tournament. Get/see here

Now you have no excuse :) 
See The "lazy" Clause 
I've never once downloaded and tried a custom UT map. Too lazy, plus Quake is my thing. I don't even know hot to play custom maps in anything but Quake1, and don't care to learn.

However, I did download that huge UT pak that's just been released, because the screens were absolutely beautiful and enticing. However, I have no way of getting it home, and so I may never get around to trying it... 
I was going to metion that the "lazy clause" was your only saviour ;) 
spentron: I have all the Unreal's except UT2k3 and genuinely missed your original post (I really only skim the forum and post my speedmap annoucements). But now that you're flaming and being all whiney about it, fuck that. I'll just stick to Quake. 
Unreal 1... 
...substandard game?? Yeah right. Dunno what you were reading Wazat, maybe some particularly fervent corner of teh Shack back in 98...

Where's the *rolls eyes* smiley?? 
I Appreciate Your Comments 
wrath says I was: "whining 'they don't get it' "

No I whined *I* don't get it. Anyway, people say they like addon levels, gameplay AI blah blah... Me demo something trust me its fun see #2345 etc. Otherwise wait for me to come up with real release or something, better maybe. I'll chill now, please excuse the indulgence. 
Unreal 1 
Yeah I just completed it recently for the first time, I'd say even if you don't want to play the whole thing play the last third, its amazing if you like techy scifi stuff. 
Bobbee Tec Dev Guy 
Yes, those are Aardappel's levels... and the Galbraith bros. weapons... credits are listed right above the videos in plain sight -- and they include links to the authors' sites and/or EMail (whichever they wanted).

No big mystery -- it's all done with the authors' blessing -- as it should be.

We make some great tech., but when it comes to level design and modelling ... well ... have you ever seen programmer art? Just imagine it in 3D... <shudder>

Bleh, I'm bored. 
I know, you could bob for french fries. 
Link Of Teh Day...

Damn czg, you're buff, big boy! 
DooM3, 4 Months + 
Todd then went on to discuss some of the most interesting aspects of Doom3. Although no release date was provided (albeit he did hint that it was at least four months away), he confirmed that Doom3�s installation size would likely exceed 3GB. In addition, the game would be locked with a hard-coded 60fps ceiling. Given how taxing this engine has proven to be in the early glimpses we have seen, that limit will still be difficult to reach by most hardware. Speaking of hardware, Todd informed the audience that the development platforms for Doom3 were all using GeForce FX graphics cards. This should erase any doubts of NVIDIA cards and their ability to run Doom3. 
hold your horses there, little miss horsie-holder. (first punter to spot the source of that one wins.)

id are making doom3?

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