#24390 posted by
- on 2014/05/22 00:36:55
I'll have to try it later. There's likely a couple ms delay, but likely nothing terrible for most games.

Come Back Ijed!
#24391 posted by
- on 2014/05/23 03:05:04
#tf misses you already :(

Eric Brosius Sampled Quake For Thief Soundtrack?
I was mapping and listening to Thief's soundtrack when I noticed this section at 54mins 24 seconds -
Sound familiar? Sounds quite... Lifting?
#24396 posted by
- on 2014/05/26 03:19:26
It's very likely the sound is from a library. Lots of game sounds are.

"John Carmack Has Explaining To Do"?
#24398 posted by
Lunaran on 2014/05/26 04:42:26
Ogres have the same sight bark as the Pig Cops in DN3D. In fact a number of the monster sounds in DN3D sound like sounds from Doom, just pitch shifted.
Imp sounds from Doom 1/2 are from a set of stock sounds, too. They're recordings of a camel.

#24399 posted by
- on 2014/05/26 07:20:53
Stealin' all them sounds for his VIDDY-O GAMES
#24400 posted by
Spiney on 2014/05/27 23:31:30
There's probably more straight-from-library stuff in games than you think.
#24401 posted by
quaketree on 2014/05/30 15:45:19
"There's probably more straight-from-library stuff in games than you think."
I agree. They may get mixed in to get a slightly new sound but there's really only so many sounds to work with and still be identifiable to the player as being recognizable as being a certain thing happening.
Doors opening, growls and so on all have a limited set of sounds that we all can identify as being from a certain thing. I suppose someone could make a sliding pocket door sound work into the maw of some bizarre creature with pocket doors for a mouth but that would probably turn into an LSD fueled game type where the bizarre was normal and I'm not sure how that would work out.
#24402 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/05/30 16:06:11
I know I've heard Doom door sounds in movies and TV shows.

#24403 posted by
DaZ on 2014/05/30 16:07:18
The Ogre aggro sound and zombie sounds appear absolutely everywhere. I've heard them in other games and tv, film etc.
I believe the ogre sounds were in Dark Souls :)
#24404 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/05/30 16:15:20
Oh, and that weird sound you hear in the background while trying to shoot Romero in the head during that final battle ... you hear that a lot in supernatural shows/movies.
#24406 posted by
necros on 2014/05/31 01:05:40
also the drip sound in quake! you can recognize it by the quick cluster of drips.

#24407 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2014/05/31 01:56:49
Those are very distinctive and they keep getting used in movies and TV shows.

Awesome QW Final!
#24408 posted by
Trinca on 2014/06/04 00:33:40
QuakeWorld #Refragged Grand Finals Rikoll vs LocKtar

#24410 posted by
megaman on 2014/06/05 21:15:50
there's like 5 telefrags in the first game and they're not from teleporters. I didn't know qw was so luck-based :(

FTW Etc.
#24414 posted by
Shambler on 2014/06/06 13:39:03
Surely the relentless spawn-rape on ZTNDM3 is more concerning? Frag 31 being a prime example.