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Referrer Logs 
I got a referral to the Quoth site from it, guess you were testing the links... 
Purty UE4 DX:HR Inspired Scene 
Wear sunglasses!

Seems like the 5 yearly or so cycle in which we gaze our virgin eyeballs on new render tech. Though I think this might be the last paradigm shift in rasterization before real time raytracing will become dominant for photorealistic rendering.

I certainly think we've been in diminishing returns territory for the last couple of years. Hopefully in 10 years or so everyone will see artistic/stylistic divisions in what used to be technical ones. So average people can judge visuals of a game like Quake on it's artistic merit rather than simply viewing it as old fashioned or dated.

Bla bla 
Got an archive of my maps up on my new site! Hurray! 
Clockwork droid looks awesome, I'm a sucker for that color palette. 

And if you have Unreal Engine 4, we released that scene in the marketplace. Download for free and play around with it! 
As far as rendering goes, I think the most exciting advances this generation are just in the automation of a lot of things. Want reflections? They're free - they just happen. It's not something you have to set up render targets into cube maps and project and blah-blah. They're just there if you have a shiny material.

Stuff like that makes it easier to get great results with less effort. 
It�s A Sad Day.. 
Giger Is Such An Inspiration 
can't believe he died in such a way! 
Popular Tumblr Guy And Vlogger Playing Quake Maps 
Just in-case you missed the livestream here is a link to the recording from his stream. He played some classics from guys like MFX, Kell... myself ;) 
Yeah i watched that vid last weekend, he�s been quite busy with the injector.
And he played "Pain in the arch" on normal, nice walk in the park. But at least he liked the mapname:) 
Good Stuff 
watched a bit of him playing unforgiven (@ 3:55:00), pretty entertaining :) 
He Got Tronyned 
Nvidia FLEX Physics Solver 
The future looks a lot more interactive... 
QuakeEd Haiku 

any entity
touching this will be hurt, to
see if it still feels 
Nice Lunaran 
Battle not with monster activation issues, lest ye become a monster. And if you gaze into the void, the trigger_hurt gazes also. -Preach 
Battle not with monster activation issues, lest ye become a monster. And if you gaze into the void, the trigger_hurt gazes also.

Thanks Preach! 
2004 John Carmack Keynote 
I thought this talk was particularly interesting 
I Got Married! 
Holy Poops! 
Congrats dude! 
I hope he always treats you well. 
Yeah congrats 
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