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Nicely Done, Otp 
*Gets Popkorn* 
For OTP 
Wow OTP... 
sounds to me like Chip has good reasons to not want to be involved too heavily on QExpo, plus he isnt asking for any credit from those posts.

Will there be enough interest for a qexpo? There scene is a little quiet at the minute. I'm toiling on my episode but it's probably only about 50% complete at best (start map and map 1-3 done... possibly going to make it 7 maps long in total for episode 1). 
I have problem with SOE (map soe1m2). then I to touch altar engine stoped with error "no precache rubble1.mdl". I am restart map, to type in console "precache rubble1.mdl" and got error "no precache rubble2mdl". Again restart, type "precache rubble1.mdl", "precache rubble2.mdl", and got error "no precache rubble3.mdl". Again restart, type "precache rubble1.mdl", "precache rubble2.mdl", "precache rubble3.mdl" and got error "no precache1.mdl". That's this? Problem with max of precache count? how I can fix this? 
last error "no precache rubble1.mdl". How fix? 
What engine and have you tried a different one? 
Any: Bengt Jardrup's winquake, RMQEngine, Fitzquake 
As far as I'm aware, FTEQW and DP are the only two engines that don't really care if it was precached first or not, so try one of those. 
yes, with DP not problem. But exists other problem: my son have netbook without 3D-card and I can't running DP in this computer. Only Bengt Jardrup's winquake 
the quakec should be precaching everything for you. If it doesn't, it seems like it must be a bug in the mod itself, not the engine or the map. 
Cthulhuian Font 
Unfortunately if you use the font its alien geometries will drive you mad. :-( 
That�s Intended! 
try for software quake also 
Worked! Thank's 
Software Quake 
Has always been a hit or miss kind of thing on modern hardware and OS's.

I'm glad that it worked for you. 
Is the initial bsp process supposed to go to 212%? 
I've been active again on Steam since last month. Now I need a func_group invite - I'll be glad if one you guys help me out. Also, feel free to add. 
Hey Mods 
Obviously that "news" post I just submitted was meant to be a preview while I type the actual content, please ignore it until the proper one comes out! Sorry! 
Hey Scampie 
I'm starting the hype on your new website early! 
how do people already know I have a site that is half-ass set up? has been around forever, so this is about a relaunch or wat? 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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