#24301 posted by Preach on 2014/04/24 09:35:13
I didn't state explicitly, but "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 1" did fix the issues I was encountering, so you may want to give that a go Not Yet Registered.
 It Works
#24303 posted by Not yet registered on 2014/04/24 10:38:58
I tried the suggested sv_gameplayfix_... setting and it helped. Thanks.
I learned about the sv_jumpstep option a while ago, after noticing I had gained an ability to jump higher than I thought used to be possible. I found an explanation with a web search and set it to standard behavior.
Are there other settings in Darkplaces I should turn on when I want the gameplay to be as close to classic Quake single player as possible?
#24304 posted by Spirit on 2014/04/24 11:44:20
cl_gameplayfix_quakespasm_or_requiem 1
 Been Testin' Engines
#24305 posted by Not yet registered on 2014/04/26 09:10:05
I tried the Requiem engine, and I liked it. I can't capitalize it correctly from memory though. ReQuiem? reQuieM? Whatever.
It turned out to be a bit difficult to compile on Linux from the Github repo, owing to the makefile referencing files that aren't there. Perhaps it's possible to work it out, but I used the binaries instead. With them it turned out to be easier to use the Windows binary with Wine to get sound working properly. That was the path of least resistance for me at least.
Requiem has all kinds of neat features, like fix for the fish monster count bug and rewinding demo playback. Good stuff.
In other news, I discovered another way in which the Darkplaces physics are different from other engines in a specific way. If you recall, there are those little diagonal pillars that work as walkways in Ziggurat Vertigo (first area with Ogres). You can run up them to the top floor, but in Darkplaces you end up getting airborne after running, while in other engines you stay on the floor. By my testing, the sv_jumpstep option has nothing to do with this, and it works the same no matter if it's on or off. (The behaviour seemed pretty consistently change between engines in my tests, but I didn't test it thoroughly.)
Now I have five engines already. DP, QS, ReQuIeM (still not right), Qbism super8 (red particles everywhere!) and the RemakeQuake one (RMQ?). I kind of think that's a couple more than I need, but now I'm not sure which ones to actually use. I'll say that's better than the opposite problem of not having a good engine at all.
I guess the points here are that I'm grateful that people have made such efforts to keep Quake alive, and I should get a blog to ramble like this. Will shut up now :)
#24306 posted by Joel B on 2014/04/26 09:13:43
It's reQUAKiEm. The AK is silent.
 Quake Stream On Twitch
This guy is streaming so much stuff from quake injector
 More Darkplaces Cvar Notes
#24308 posted by Preach on 2014/04/26 13:27:40
After playing with the sv_gameplayfix variables some more I now recommend setting the variable:
sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground 1
I'm still not sure what it's meant to do. What I have observed is that when cvar is 0, you won't re-activate a button if you are standing on it when it returns to ready. So enabling the cvar best matches the observed behaviour of the original engines.
 Spoke Too Soon
#24309 posted by Preach on 2014/04/26 13:41:59
OK, the problem with sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground is if you set it to 1 then suddenly the player slides around much more, it's like low friction mode. So I'm a bit on the fence now with what to set it to - having to step off a button to press it again isn't a big deal - but what if that's just one symptom of an issue that might include a major failure? For instance, if the entity you're standing on is supposed to be a movewall with damage performing the collision for a sharp blade, perhaps in darkplaces you'll be able to ride on it and only take one tic of damage. On the other hand, turning the cvar on has a global effect of making the game less responsive and harder to control, so that's pretty negative.
PS: when alt-tabbing in Windows 7 from darkplaces sometimes the window loses mouselook, and even re-entering +mlook in the console doesn't help. Anyone have a fix?
#24310 posted by negke on 2014/04/26 13:43:39
Nice find. It's kinda cool, he just randomly picks levels. Too bad I missed mappi2. This would perhaps be something for Daz, too. A random live stream of consciousness event.
 He Runs
the knee deep in the blog.
There's a bit of a thriving community of old school fps gamers on tumblr, it's nice to be a part of running my quake blog on there.
#24312 posted by Spiney on 2014/04/26 16:02:28
Watching other people getting Tronyn'd is way too fun to watch.
#24313 posted by negke on 2014/04/26 16:13:38
He got through surprisingly well, especially considering it was hard skill. Hell, he even chainsawed the final boss!
#24314 posted by Spirit on 2014/04/26 16:22:37
Not yet registered: Sorry, the documentation (and packaging) is lackluster at the moment. Building is meant to be done with Codeblocks, the project file should hopefully work.
reQuiem (without checking I THINK this is the correct capitalisation :D) uses OSS for sound, for me ALSA emulation always sucked bad with latency. I use OSS everywhere so it is perfect for me (and no one else probably...). I tried to convince someone to port the sound system to SDL but he vanished.
#24315 posted by Not yet registered on 2014/04/27 10:18:57
Spirit, I'll try compiling it again as soon as I have enough time to do it properly. I'll report if I find out anything useful about the sound issue, or have other contributions.
 Necros: Mechanical Keyboards
#24316 posted by megaman on 2014/04/27 15:49:35
I have a cherry with transparent switches. Was the cheapest one i could find, for ~50EUR. while built quality is not great, it served me well so far (~2years) I can look up model etc at work, if you're interested
#24317 posted by necros on 2014/04/27 18:06:24
from what I understand, the clear/white switches are the toughest ones to press. i'm actually thinking about the blue switches as they are easier to press than membrane keys and they have a nice satisfying click. :)
unfortunately, i'm also quite attached to the macro keys on my g15. they are very useful outside of gaming and i would sorely miss them which rules out most of the highly recommended keyboards like das, unicomp...
 Can't You
#24318 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/04/27 19:19:53
replace those with combinations?
#24319 posted by necros on 2014/04/27 20:15:48
are you talking about autohotkey?
 Or Linux :-)
#24320 posted by megaman on 2014/04/27 23:42:27
 I Have Cherry Blues
And I got them because they are the loudest.
 Doomguy Says HI
#24322 posted by Breezeep_ on 2014/04/29 00:11:51
 QExpo Update
Chip is a fucking cunt and is trying to block a potential 2014 expo from happening because he wouldn't be the one getting all the praise from it.
Just thought I'd pass this on to all the people who were interested.
#24324 posted by Spirit on 2014/04/29 10:42:07
Are you out of your mind?
 Fyi Qexpo 2014 Thread At I3d
#24325 posted by Spirit on 2014/04/29 10:55:21