#24227 posted by
- on 2014/04/07 11:11:50

Func_ Feature Request:
#24228 posted by
starbuck on 2014/04/07 15:50:51
let users enter DoB and when it's their birthday put a party hat on their username.
priority: high
#24230 posted by
Lunaran on 2014/04/08 02:39:51
Scampie, you are the mom-on-facebook of the online games space.
"Who the fuck voted a +1 on my steam account? Ah. Scampie. Scampie did."
#24231 posted by
- on 2014/04/08 09:22:07
I posted a fish emoticon on your comments. That was not intended as a vote of any kind.
Also, I don't post incorrectly used macro images that are now called memes about my slightly racist/nationalistic/religious opinions that have little to no truth or bearing on reality... so I reject that I am like mom, or any other relative, on facebook.
I just like to bug people. Hell, I think 99% of the reason I got a twitter account is to troll Daz.

#24234 posted by
- on 2014/04/08 21:07:02
0.5% Stalk game dev friends and 0.5% to post about my cat.

All Of These Just Show
#24236 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2014/04/08 22:58:35
how bad an actor Cage is in most of his movies. There are some exceptions when he's great though (Lord of War, Vegas, Weather Man).

There Are Many Exceptions.
#24237 posted by
Drew on 2014/04/08 23:41:38
Adaptation, Matchstick Men, Wild at Heart, Raising Arizona ...the last 2 arguably border the camp line that Cage practically inhabits.... for that matter those are some of the best. Like Kiss of the vampire, and Bad Lieutenant? They're amazing!

There Are Many Exceptions.
#24238 posted by
Drew on 2014/04/08 23:41:38
Adaptation, Matchstick Men, Wild at Heart, Raising Arizona ...the last 2 arguably border the camp line that Cage practically inhabits.... for that matter those are some of the best. Like Kiss of the vampire, and Bad Lieutenant? They're amazing!

#24240 posted by
Drew on 2014/04/08 23:42:17

I'll Accept Adaptation
#24241 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2014/04/08 23:48:16
Matchstick Men is a good movie, but his performance is not outstanding IMO. I can't remember Wild at Heart and haven't seen Raising Arizona. Also I'm not saying that all movies he's in are bad. Just his acting.

I Disagree!
He should have clearly been awarded an oscar for his incredible performance in Vampire's Kiss.
#24244 posted by
Lunaran on 2014/04/10 04:34:54
Bad Lieutenant
God, this movie made me so happy.

#24246 posted by Not yet registered on 2014/04/11 19:13:13
Another entry into the file of things of real live creatures that almost look like Quake monsters. Tardigrades. It's the face or mouth or whatever thing that really makes it for me.

#24248 posted by
Kinn on 2014/04/11 23:24:18
For a wierd invertebrate, so far removed from anything else on the evolutionary tree, I'm tickled at how mammalian its cute little legs and hands look, and its whole way of moving really - if you ignore the minor detail of it having six legs.
#24249 posted by
Joel B on 2014/04/11 23:58:41
Or even eight!
Although I think some of that cuteness is inherited from it having the name "water bear"... if it was a "slime creeper" it might seem less cuddly.

Form Follows Function
#24250 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/12 00:00:25
And the name follows both.
A proper size one punching through fragile humans with its extending mouth would be cool. As long as you had a shotgun / chainsaw combo.