#24201 posted by
mwh on 2014/04/01 02:07:19
Python is more of a real programming language than PHP so if there is going to be, well, real programming involved then it would be better IMHO. But if it's just getting some crap from the database and mashing it into an HTML page, PHP is probably faster to get going. I don't know anything much about asp/c#. C# is also a real programming language of course, but probably one that requires a bunch more typing than Python :-)

#24202 posted by
starbuck on 2014/04/02 14:56:48
i've used django a tiny bit, seems solid. Plus the general opinion seems to be it's comparable to Rails, which I've used a lot and enjoyed.

Beware The Undead Scrag
#24203 posted by Not yet registered on 2014/04/06 00:18:07
This Youtube video is a year old, so maybe you've seen it already. It was new to me. It's 55 seconds long and titled 'Undead Scrag.'

Never Occured To Me
#24204 posted by
mfx on 2014/04/06 02:00:36
maybe an engine issue? Kinda scary, dead gibs looking in your direction!

One Time
#24205 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/06 03:35:15
I was coding up a new type of zombie and left the head alive in a similar way, except it chased the player and was able to bite them.
It couldn't be killed because it was dead...
It made me laugh so I coded up zombie splitting - a lucky shot would split the zombies torso from its legs, and the upper half would run on its palms after the player and do small leap attacks.
Good times.
#24206 posted by
- on 2014/04/06 05:29:53
I believe it was a known bug to id and is why the scrag green goo attacks checks if it has health before creating the projectile.

Soon You'll Be Old Enough To Play Quake
#24211 posted by
- on 2014/04/06 18:57:16

Oh To Be 15 Again
#24213 posted by
Kinn on 2014/04/06 20:51:50
Cracking one off into my sock every evening after school whilst watching Neighbours in my room - on a good day I'd catch a split-second of Brooke Satchwell tit wobble and I'd be dropping yoghurt for a week.
Those were the days...
#24214 posted by
Spirit on 2014/04/06 21:13:32
Holy Baader Meinhof, I just watched a recent Graham Norton show episode featuring Cameron Diaz in a nothing of a skirt and they talked about Neighbors.

Brooke Satchwell
#24216 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2014/04/06 21:51:48
So, did that lady ever wear anything else than blue bikinis, because that's all there is on youtube :-P

#24218 posted by
Kinn on 2014/04/06 22:05:22
after that blue bikini scene you can't actually remember anything else tbh.
Neighbours was more-or-less kids tv and that scene alone got an entire generation of us through puberty I tell you.

#24221 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2014/04/06 22:24:58
I can imagine ;-). I remember that it was on german TV as well when I was a kid. Hardly ever watched it though, now I see I have been missing out!

This Headline Made My Day
#24222 posted by
mfx on 2014/04/06 22:41:44
"Nazis want to show how easy Refugees can enter Europe from Africa, nearly drown."

#24223 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/07 01:56:08

I Remember
#24224 posted by
ijed on 2014/04/07 02:03:30
Thinking when I was little 'why is Neighbours in with the kid's shows?' a couple of years later it all made sense.
#24225 posted by
Lunaran on 2014/04/07 02:06:34
wow, 19 new posts in GA, I wonder wh- oh