Hey guys, I have to render 4500 frames of ugly animation for a university project. If I would render only on my own machine, it would take 16 days. So while this is not a VIS job for a new Quake map, I am hoping for some people who would let their machines run overnight for some days for me.
It uses Blender so you would not have to install anything. You would have to download ~230MB of data from me. Blender is just about 100MB and you just unpack it, no installation needed!
Hardware needed:
- Either a fast CPU (i5 or better) or a
- nvidia card with CUDA level 2 or higher and more than 1GB of GPU RAM, here is a list:
A 560 works well (if you have the 2GB edition)
~4GB RAM I think
Some decent upstream bandwidth would be nice because you would need to upload ~5MB per frame back to me.
Detailed instructions, some small setup steps and more either in IRC or via mail.
Pretty please!