#24126 posted by
Lunaran on 2014/03/01 20:58:16
Vote now!
When would QExpo be? It's June, right? The anniversary of the release?
It's a matter of discussion, still. I proposed August on Inside3D because announcing a June date now could be cutting a bit short, with preparations and people polishing up their projects and whatnot. I'd also like to host it, partly because not many people seem up to it this year, and my head will be full of fuck in June.
(Meanwhile, the person who posted the poll is more concerned whether a QExpo should happen in the first place, which, well, I find odd...)
I guess stuff will be clearer in the next couple of weeks.

Of Course,
If most people want June then it will be June.
#24129 posted by
Spirit on 2014/03/01 21:27:08
lol otp, your post at spiney could be translated to you very well. :P
spiney, sorry, your post seemed like it was making fun of critics. Be more verbose to avoid misunderstandings, text is hard to transport sarcasm with. :)

No It Couldn't.
I made sure of that before clicking Submit.
#24131 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/03/02 12:10:19
"I don't care for nonconstructive dramatic internet bullshit."
Then stop posting it.
#24132 posted by
JneeraZ on 2014/03/02 12:10:48
"I hate drinking."
*throws back a shot*
#24133 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/02 12:23:20
Spiney has supplied a lot of content for various things actually, just not on stuff that's been released yet.
OTP provides some very good playtesting, to quite a few different mappers - I tend to incorporate more than half of what he suggests.
If we measure people's worth to the community by their involvement with it then we eliminate the entire player base and then the rest of us won't be far behind.
I'd like to see QExpo 2014!
Cheers Willem.

Qexpo Sounds Neat
though I doubt I'd have much to show for it. I'm mapping at an incredibly slow rate...

I Measure People...
#24135 posted by
Shambler on 2014/03/02 13:02:05
...by the quality of their nonconstructive dramatic internet bullshit.

Frankly, Shambler
#24136 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/02 13:33:42
I don't give a damn <exits>

Is This Really Necessary?
#24137 posted by
sock on 2014/03/02 14:22:53
You don't map, you barely comment on any maps, and if you do, it's never in a way that is meaningful to the author at all. The only thing you seem to post is empty tech talk and "ironic" crap straight from Reddit.
Is there any reason of you coming here, other than trying to piss us off? Cause you're not doing a very good job at that either.
OTP, This is just rude, you would never say this to someone's face, so why lash out at someone online! It never ceases to amaze me how this (func) community loves to turn on each other when they simply don't agree on something.

#24141 posted by Tronyn on 2014/03/02 22:10:17
I think of the people on here are paranoid and may have emotional problems. Some may rely too heavily on the use of intoxicants, too.
Ahem. I meant that ironically.
PS: whether it's June or August, I really hope I can release my giant project then. PM is even more retired than me so I might end up needing someone to finish the last few Drake features that he hasn't gotten to yet, but hopefully it doesn't come to that.

I'm Abused
#24142 posted by
madfox on 2014/03/03 00:16:21
Madfox must create a twitter account
Still haven't heard anything from the doctor.
If I was a fool I would go straight ahead to the Tardis. There I would kill all Daleks for prohibbiting me to make a dr.who level for Quake. Then I would watch func_msg for some good quality critics abusing the engine with that nonsense. Of course I would dail the wrong number and return to a city with no phonecells. After all I would regret my intensions for being so confident, because nobody is waiting for that kind of selfpity.
Now I feel stupid for letting out my plans, because I had listen more to the Queen Of StoneRoses and Whatever You Do Don't Tell Anyone.

For Chris Sakes
#24143 posted by
stevenaaus on 2014/03/04 12:43:16
Just make sure it's better than the Alien mod.
#24145 posted by
Kinn on 2014/03/04 18:09:57
I think Del Toro sometimes overcooks his creature designs a bit, but I was still gutted when Mountains of Madness was canned. Seeing his Old Ones would have been worth the price of admission.
Also, we really need a cthulhu icon. Here's a nice cute one I found:

In His Sty At R'lyeh, Dead Pigthulhu Wallows Dreaming
#24147 posted by
- on 2014/03/04 19:45:41

Oink Oink Pigthulhu Fhtagn
#24148 posted by
- on 2014/03/04 19:46:49

Sndwhich Fhbacn!
#24150 posted by
ijed on 2014/03/05 04:02:16
Breakfast classic of the outer spheres.