#216 posted by metlslime on 2008/07/26 21:10:01
you get a 404 on THIS website, when clicking "view all threads?"
 Jah Mon
#217 posted by nakasuhito on 2008/07/27 06:26:21
yes, i got a 404 error whenever i tried to visits the "view all threads" link on this site. not just recently, but for a long, long time.
i don't know, but sometimes when i was on the mac and came here, it all worked ok! then on the pc it didn't work. then on the mac it didn't work, but on the pc did...
thanks for the link daz. my lazyness stopped me from doing a google search, though i somehow end up with doomwadstation links and i gave up on all life when visiting such website.
#218 posted by Spirit on 2008/07/27 09:13:28
It is really saying "404" or are you just saying that and mean "some error"?
I remember some people having a problem with the bigger threads. Their ISP did a time-out on the connection because it took a while to load, maybe it's that?
 It Was Actually...
#219 posted by metlslime on 2008/07/27 09:18:47
the server taking slightly too long to serve the page, and some browsers had a quicker timeout than others.
The browsers give a completely useless "can't connect to server or DNS error" type message, of course.
Anyway, I had fixed that to most people's satisfaction like a year ago, but maybe it's back. I'll test.
#220 posted by metlslime on 2008/07/27 09:20:58
just tried with internet explorer, which was the problem browser last time, but it works.
Nakasuhito, what browser/platform are you on? And, can you test to see if the page works when you are not logged in?
#221 posted by Lunaran on 2008/07/27 20:08:13
Split the 'view all threads' page into groups of 25 like thread views are now?
sort by title/date posted/date of last post/name of poster would be handy ... �_�
Carmack, who agreed that complaints of the "contrived nature of monsters hiding in closets" and overly dark environments of Doom 3 were "completely valid."
#223 posted by necros on 2008/08/02 05:23:13
i would've been pissed if the game i was working on was summarily dismissed because the company owners one day finally figured out it actually sucks.
oh well. :P
#224 posted by ijed on 2008/08/02 05:27:54
Survival horror sells badly? Ok, I'll bear that in mind. As corporate bullshit speak.
contrived nature . . . sounds like a post from func.
When I see the title of this thread I always wonder who posted it.
Let's hope Rage is everything it's cracked up to be.
#225 posted by Kinn on 2008/08/03 14:32:31
seems a lot of people forget that Doom 3 was four years ago. Four years is plenty of time for a game development team to shift their design philosophy or publically acknowledge the weaknesses in their previous games. Happens all the time.
#226 posted by Kinn on 2008/08/03 15:16:14
actually i said that without reading the article. So yeah, it seems they just deciding to can "Darkness" one afternoon. Cool.
i would've been pissed if the game i was working on was summarily dismissed because the company owners one day finally figured out it actually sucks.
Actually, having a game canned because it sucks is a million times better than having your game canned because of other reasons.
#227 posted by bal on 2008/08/03 15:32:20
It's often even better than having it not canned despite the general suckiness... -___-
#228 posted by ijed on 2008/08/03 19:16:24
The suckiness qouta breaches a predetermined threshold that means your team leaders are fucktards.
#229 posted by ijed on 2008/08/03 19:18:37
'Announces' a prototype anyway?
#230 posted by ijed on 2008/08/03 19:21:26
Coffee needed.
 Doom 4
#231 posted by Kinn on 2008/08/03 23:12:12
2 day-old news now, but it's essentially confirmation from Carmack, that Doom 4 will not be about darkness, or monster closets, or survival horror; instead the focus will be on blowing away hordes of demons with heavy weapons, and the game will be more about "winning" as opposed to being "frightened".
#232 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/08/04 15:35:33
I'm smelling a coop game, here. Maybe with one team playing the demonic horde (or doing some "imp-herding"?).
 I Always Wanted A Doom Mod
#233 posted by Lunaran on 2008/08/05 16:18:59
where everyone plays imps and stuff except for one dude, who has The Guns.
whoever gets the kill on the dude gets to be the dude with The Guns next.
 That Is Genious
#234 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/08/05 16:20:25
 That Is AvP
#235 posted by Kell on 2008/08/05 16:51:20
multiplayer game mode
 I Know
#236 posted by Lunaran on 2008/08/05 23:13:32
kell you're never around we have so much to discuss you and i
#237 posted by Red on 2008/08/31 21:01:05
"For me, that's incorrect. I really like how Quake looks. It exudes a personality that few games are able to match. The graphics are a LARGE part of the Quake experience for me.
And nothing you said refutes what I said. Gameplay is clearly NOT the only thing that matters."
I agree with you, quake, while dated, is appealing to look at (in high resolution), it is a pretty interesting visual experience. I'd say it aged much better than quake 2.
Regarding Doom3 I think it suffered from some pretty bad design decisions. It wasn't a worthy successor to the doom\quake formula and it was overall very mediocre.
The doom\quake games had better pacing, level design, monster positioning, ambush sequences etc.
Also, only a small handful of a very small niche of players actually downgrade graphics to shit in multiplayer. I confirm this. For me this is fun-killing, perpetuated by fun hating people. They talk about gameplay, not about fun. Videogames should be a relaxing even if slightly challenging experience, not a sport where you resort to every fun killing measure to win.
 I - Really - Like - Doom 3 - : )
#238 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/08/31 22:23:08
I get tired of people bashing it.
I remember when it came out it was MIND - BLOWING.
The visuals were just as Revolutionary as Quake 2 or Quake 1 or Doom over Wolfenstein. Fantastic.
I would make levels for doom 3 but I dont know how. I'm sure however that it would take too long.
#239 posted by Text_Fish on 2008/09/01 00:02:29
Doom 3 was class. It just wasn't as classy as HL2, which is why it often received a bashing. I guess Quake had it's Duke3D and Q3A had its UT, so they figured they could do it again but got a little too cocky this time around and lost the popularity contest.
I thought ID managed to get the balance between story and level design just right with D3. These days, most level design sucks because the designers are forced to adhere to a strict beginning, middle and end so they try so hard to shoehorn the rubbish plot devices in that they actually forget to immerse the player in action, whereas Doom 3 was all about the immersion from beginning to end, throwing the odd short cut scene or diary entry in to give it all some context.
I also liked the multiplayer side. It's fairly slow paced but still nicely balanced so you don't get pwnd within five milliseconds of spawning by some bunnyhopping maniac.
In spite of all that, I'm glad they're taking Doom 4 in another direction because I like new stuff.
#240 posted by ijed on 2008/09/01 02:33:51
Doom3 wasn't as bad as many (myself included) make out. I played it again the other day and it has its moments. But asking a hard core community of mappers / modders to put up with lazy design isn't going to get you anywhere.
The story was terrible, for me. I've seen better plotting in an episode of Xena.
Saying that it only got a bad rap because hl2 came out at more or less the same time doesn't cut it either. This is Id software; they invented FPS, they have no excuse for not blowing hl2 out of the water. It's like they couldn't be bothered, because they knew it'd sell anyway.