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Happy Birthday Ricky 

Tbh my soul has been chipped at for years. I remember turning away girls that I had fantasized about at high school being quite hard. I remember reaching 22-23 years old and suddenly realizing that life was starting to get away from me a bit. I remember realizing that I had a problem with my back. That started 3-4 years ago and I still have problems now. I remember when I broke my left pinky and thinking I'd never be as good on the guitar again. And I remember giving in to addiction...

Shall I go on? 
Go On? 
The only choice you have is the final solution. And I know you know more than you want to about that. 
In Case Anyone Here Hasn't Read The Awesomeness That Is Dunsany 
But as the feet of the foremost touched the edge of the hill Time hurled five years against them, and the years passed over their heads and the army still came on, an army of older men. But the slope seemed steeper to the King and to every man in his army, and they breathed more heavily. And Time summoned up more years, and one by one he hurled them at Karnith Zo and at all his men. And the knees of the army stiffened, and their beards grew and turned grey, and the hours and days and the months went singing over their heads, and their hair turned whiter and whiter, and the conquering hours bore down, and the years rushed on and swept the youth of that army clear away till they came face to face under the walls of the castle of Time with a mass of howling years, and found the top of the slope too steep for aged men.

From "In the Land of Time," a devastating fable that's about what ijed said. 
Have A Read Of 
Yates as well. 
That's what happens when I disable the left hemisphere of my brain with a pint of whiskey.

Sorry if I crossed the line Ricky. 
Quake Wiki 
is so unbelievably slow. I think if it's to be used more then it is going to have to be much much faster. 
Well, Tell Me. 
If it was used more I would probably be a better admin, sorry. 
Did you get my email? 
I Did, Thanks 
Yes. Just looked and responded. 
Speed and being a good admin are different things IMO. 
It Is Fast Again, Right? 
I can fix the slowness by emptying some silly table which takes just a few minutes. 
Yeah Actually That Is Faster. 
I have been using it as a resource. 
I Just Bought... 
a Das Keyboard. It's the greatest keyboard ever. 
You should've got a Dranz keyboard, much better at mapping 
Even Google has no idea what a Dranz keyboard is. 
Oh Come On You Guys 
Played so many times in dranzdm6 to dranzdm8 :p

Even made waypoints to play in those maps :p' 
Omg #23946 
I had no idea that site was archived anywhere :)

Oh, this is going to be hilarious. Thanks for the link. 
As Long As It Doesn't... that old Daz==Dranz argument :) 
that accusation is brought up daily in #tf

also, necros = negke and skacky = RingofQuadDamage and sock = Bal and they are all secretly Madfox 
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