#23826 posted by Rick on 2013/12/31 21:53:28
The standard ogres are not too bad up close, but their ranged attack pretty much sucks. Anything that makes them better is an improvement. I've been using the inside3D code and it's not bad at all. They do seem to have a bit too much range, but at least they're dangerous, as opposed to useless.
#23827 posted by spy on 2013/12/31 22:10:42
the regular ogres are pretty dangerous too, if you place 'em correctly
 Happy New Year
#23828 posted by spy on 2013/12/31 22:11:10
 That's The Problem
#23829 posted by Rick on 2013/12/31 22:51:37
Unless you can place them just about perfect they're useless. Put one below the player and it will kill itself shooting grenades a whole 5 feet above it's head. Put one above the player and unless the distance is exactly right, the grenades go flying harmlessly over the player. About the only use for the standard ogres is as a source of rocket ammo.
 What Happened To The Quake Wiki?
#23830 posted by Breezeep_ on 2013/12/31 23:33:26
#23831 posted by stevenaaus on 2013/12/31 23:34:29
Up high, as support for ground enemy, they make combat much more interesting as they are totally out of line of sight... thinking of the two sniping ogres somewhere in sksp2.
#23832 posted by stevenaaus on 2013/12/31 23:39:07
Confirm wiki text is broken fo me
 Happy New Year Everybody!
#23833 posted by SleepwalkR on 2014/01/01 00:22:14
 Happy New Year Everybody!!
#23834 posted by mfx on 2014/01/01 01:39:25
 Happy New Year To You All
#23835 posted by roblot on 2014/01/01 03:12:48
And to the soap opera called quake
 Happy New Year
#23836 posted by Spirit on 2014/01/01 10:28:49
I have no idea what is wrong with the wiki and since when. It was getting more spam than usual recently but I am not sure that's related. The contents are all there (eg if you edit a page), they are just not rendered to the html display. My motivation for spending hours on this failure is non-existent. If someone has better search engine skills, please share what you find. It is mediawiki with a sqlite database.
#23837 posted by Spirit on 2014/01/01 10:29:57
The timestamps of php files indicate no hacking, but I will properly compare them against my backups later.
 Happy New Year Everyone!
#23838 posted by Breezeep_ on 2014/01/01 15:28:03
#23839 posted by generic on 2014/01/01 15:55:51
Here's to more excellent Quake in 2014!
 Happy New Year Quakers!
#23840 posted by Trinca on 2014/01/02 00:03:57
#23841 posted by Killes on 2014/01/03 07:25:17
Someone unban me from tf. Scampie is a twat.
 Errant Signal On Quake
#23842 posted by negke on 2014/01/03 10:36:13
12 minutes of evaluating Quake without mentioning the guns, multiplayer, level design or enemies.
He makes good points in this context.
#23843 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/01/03 11:33:50
Great video, negke, thanks!
#23844 posted by Mandel on 2014/01/03 13:43:08
"The days when a mainstream, widely successful shooter could be a mood piece and only a mood piece, died with Quake."
Quake is dead?
#23845 posted by ijed on 2014/01/03 14:08:45
I can't really agree with everything he says since a lot of it is predicated on self-referential data. He obviously likes the game of Doom more than Quake, both as a game and an aesthetic.
Possibly this has caused him to miss out on a lot of the Quake news - ports to Oculus Rift and other devices, the various mods and custom maps that are made and so on.
But interesting to hear his ideas, they're concise and well reasoned.
#23846 posted by Spiney on 2014/01/03 20:08:12
As usual I disagree with everything someone thinks of Q1's design... %-)
 Happy New Year
#23847 posted by JPL on 2014/01/04 14:02:19
... a little bit late, but I am just back from 1 week of ski with wife and kids.. anyway...
I whish you all the best for this new year ;)
 And The Same!
#23848 posted by ijed on 2014/01/04 19:48:59
Every year better than the last.
#23849 posted by Trinca on 2014/01/04 22:48:20
One question guys...
When I record a demo I make
record mapname mapname
but when I want top record from a load map?
any command?
#23850 posted by Spirit on 2014/01/04 23:11:45
Depends on the engine. Quakespasm and reQuiem (and others) supports recording at any time with "record demoname" while the map is running. If you want to record a saved game, go to the console, "disconnect", "record demoname" and then load the savegame.