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General Abuse
Talk about anything in here. If you've got something newsworthy, please submit it as news. If it seems borderline, submit it anyway and a mod will either approve it or move the post back to this thread.

News submissions:
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Merry Xmas Guys! 
I'm typing this from my I touch. I'm at my cousin's 
Merry Xmas From Me Too! 
Happy Jesus Day! Now Where Are The Nails?! 
Ad So It Is Christmas 
Merry Christmas to you all! 
That's Awesome! 
We should have had a festive speedmap this year x 
Merry Christmas... 
... to all of you guys ! 
Just Got Back From My Cousin's... 
...and I got my new graphics card! :) I will try it out tomorrow. 
My brother has a new fandangled thing and showed me some of Call of Duty: Ghosts. It made his card sound like a jet, but damn that looks like an amazing game. Raven Software are epic. 
I Believe 
Raven only worked on the MP maps for it, the core game and such are Infinity Ward 
What is the username for quaketastic? 
Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff 
Please Just Delete My Post! 

Since the very bad reception of my video collection and false accusations etc etc etc I received here I hereby request my post (thread?) to simply be deleted in order to satisfy most of the people.

Thanks for your cooperation (collaboration). 
Remove This Thread/post.. Thank You! 
Here is the link/post (not sure how this place works)...

Again... thanks for your consideration! 
The only satisfaction will come from you deleting your Youtube channel and leaving the Quake community for good.

Thanks for your cooperation 
Behave. The guy obviously realises that he was a bit optimistic with the value of his YT channel as a news-worthy item, and would like to interact with more cooperation or collaboration or consideration (and certainly hasn't got a right bollocking from spamming every Quake board in existence, nor is backtracking like flaming fuck now).

Unfortunately I can't edit posts, only news items.

But I would like to hear more about the "false accusations", whatever they might be?? 
I could flag the post as spam, which would then hide it.

Would that be okay?? I mean obviously you don't want your post to be mistaken for spam, at all, but it would hide it from view... 
Don't Flag It As Spam 
Because that penalizes the IP address and account that posted it 
I Would Not Much Mind That 
Don't Be A Bell 
anyone mind inviting me to the func_msgboard steam group? 
What's Your Steam Name? 
or, if it's easier, my steam profile: 
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