Merry Xmas Guys!
#23776 posted by RingofQuaddamage on 2013/12/24 19:10:02
I'm typing this from my I touch. I'm at my cousin's

Happy Jesus Day! Now Where Are The Nails?!
#23778 posted by
Spiney on 2013/12/24 20:54:13

Ad So It Is Christmas
#23779 posted by
Hrimfaxi on 2013/12/24 23:31:18
Merry Christmas to you all!

That's Awesome!
We should have had a festive speedmap this year x

Just Got Back From My Cousin's...
#23783 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2013/12/26 03:33:46
...and I got my new graphics card! :) I will try it out tomorrow.
#23784 posted by
stevenaaus on 2013/12/26 21:54:19
My brother has a new fandangled thing and showed me some of Call of Duty: Ghosts. It made his card sound like a jet, but damn that looks like an amazing game. Raven Software are epic.

I Believe
#23785 posted by
- on 2013/12/26 22:24:57
Raven only worked on the MP maps for it, the core game and such are Infinity Ward
#23786 posted by
Ankh on 2013/12/27 01:02:58
What is the username for quaketastic?
Username: quaketastic
Password: ZigguratVertigoBlewTronynsSocksOff

Please Just Delete My Post!
Since the very bad reception of my video collection and false accusations etc etc etc I received here I hereby request my post (thread?) to simply be deleted in order to satisfy most of the people.
Thanks for your cooperation (collaboration).

Remove This Thread/post.. Thank You!
Here is the link/post (not sure how this place works)...
Again... thanks for your consideration!

#23791 posted by
- on 2013/12/27 11:54:16
The only satisfaction will come from you deleting your Youtube channel and leaving the Quake community for good.
Thanks for your cooperation

#23792 posted by
Shambler on 2013/12/27 12:01:19
Behave. The guy obviously realises that he was a bit optimistic with the value of his YT channel as a news-worthy item, and would like to interact with more cooperation or collaboration or consideration (and certainly hasn't got a right bollocking from spamming every Quake board in existence, nor is backtracking like flaming fuck now).
Unfortunately I can't edit posts, only news items.
But I would like to hear more about the "false accusations", whatever they might be??

#23793 posted by
Shambler on 2013/12/27 12:09:03
I could flag the post as spam, which would then hide it.
Would that be okay?? I mean obviously you don't want your post to be mistaken for spam, at all, but it would hide it from view...

Don't Flag It As Spam
#23795 posted by
metlslime on 2013/12/28 02:43:33
Because that penalizes the IP address and account that posted it

I Would Not Much Mind That

#23798 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2013/12/29 01:05:32
anyone mind inviting me to the func_msgboard steam group?

#23800 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2013/12/29 17:26:35
or, if it's easier, my steam profile: