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That's Fun, Ricky 
But is there no way to make it faster? 
Worm It Up! 
Napalm, cluster bombs, sticky bombs...

Destructible terrain! 
Worm It Up! 
Napalm, cluster bombs, sticky bombs...

Destructible terrain! 
My OOP is getting better, but I know that it still technically sucks.

By faster I assume you mean it chugs a fair bit?

I've been trying to optimize it the best I can.

In the last two hours I dropped a bunch of 'if' statements from some of my draw functions, loading the image variables into an array and using the soldiers frametype variable to reference the array in the drawSoldier function. If you catch my drift.

I've also used Array.splice to keep the numbers of objects to a functional minimum. The piles of gibs that build up in the background are drawn onto a canvas object and dropped from the array once they stop moving.

I'm using this method called 'requestAnimationFrame' or something (IIRC) for my renderer loop. Though the logic is locked to 60fps. This means that if the browser gets too choked to draw a frame, it just skips it and draws the next one, rather than waiting.

IJed - destructible terrain could be sort of doable, maybe. Not sure. I could certainly lower the terrai height where a bomb hits, but the gibs in the background would have to be tackled, and I'm not sure how I can move the ones down on the canvas (I cant basically) that have already stopped moving and been dropped from the gibs array.

Different weapons could be done, just need to dream 'em up and make them....

Silly, silly game XD 
<- Bomb 
does it get harder??? a yeah, other types of bombs. also don't allow dropping bombs 1m from the ground. :P

oh oh... when you click, have a plane fly by and drop it so there's a small delay before the bomb appears and falls! 
The guys could shoot at the plane, so the lower you drop it the more accurate it is, but also the more likely that the plane will get shot down. 
Starting To Look Like Something.... 
Good suggestions, thanks, I'll prob use some of them....

New version:

*Weapon upgrade (moar bombs per click)
1. Have a supply of bombs, and killing soldiers replenishes it.
2. Spawn a circular shock wave from the origin of impact. 
Anybody In Paris This Weekend? I will, err, take part in that performance. 
I always wanted to hijack a performance like that and call it art. 
Poor Choice Of Domain Name? 
Maybe, maybe not.

"We Specialize in Wood" 
OMG !! 
Amazing.. :D 
powergenitalia was my favourite one of those... 
'musical' Sorting Algorithms 
Wow... no more need any DJ now :) Great ! 
Did anyone save Starbuck's func 2.0 mockups? 
But I found this masterpiece in the process: 
The Post Above 
is erh... of questionable integrity?
is erh... of undeniable awesomeness.

Always worth a rewatch. 
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