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Was Not Meant As Personal Insult Btw, Just The Post is a nice open-minded german verein about this kind of stuff. 
I Just Farted. 
And it smelled like a cross between Ricky's and Spirit's posts. 
Pls Respoind Asap! 
Can you descrieb the cross? It might be EXACTly the cross show in the vieo sorry For typos I AMA EXITED! 
Another Site, Ricky 
Here Here (re 23431) 
that was a bit harsh Spirit, but it was hilarious (you invented some impressively outlandish stuff very quickly lol), and I agree with both the skeptical POV and the distaste for charlatanism behind it.

Still, I don't think anyone can live up to THE KING:

"The internet will be used to reprogram your body with energy." lol! it's gotta be the accent I guess, combined with big words. 
has the truth you mere mortals. 
In as obscure a town-with-truck-traffic I've been in, I saw "YOU ARE BEING LIED TO. INFOWARS.COM" written inside the stall of a donut shop. Obviously, a healthy society full of rational people would be best, but if everything has to be dysfunctional, paranoid, and superstitious, at least there's humor to it. 
I Think Ricky Is Trolling You Guys Quite Successfully :-) 
Is that what he made you believe
Ya'll Are Sheeple Idiots 
We are ruled by Reptilian shapeshifting overlords! 
High school physics/chemistry is WRONG 
Chthon Redesign 
While I appreciate the skill required to draw like that, I don't like the actual design. Cthon is cool because his face is a giant scar. This looks like some generic fire elemental that could be from anywhere. 
The Artist Works At Id, And Used To Work At Blizz 
he also did a Fiend redesign and is claiming this could actually be from a new quake franchise - 
Or At Least 
that's my understanding... maybe the guy is just a really talented troll. 
The Fiend 
has eyes. Enough said =) 
Wait A Second 
So this guy works at id and is doing concept work for Quake monsters.... and this board isn't blowing the fuck up? :D

I really do wonder what a Quake reboot from id would look like. The pessimist in me thinks they would sanitize the sitting too much, ie less demonic imagery, less cthulu type stuff, and less varied level designs with more linear routes.

The dimension hopping nature of Quake could make for some interesting interconnected levels though, and perhaps could be used to keep a fairly oldskool progression structure of deliberately separated maps (how's that for contradiction ;).

Fuck now I want to see what Ziggurat Vertigo 2014 looks like :) 
Here We Go Again 
For Daz. Also: Chthon. 
That Chthon Is Shit 
Typical Blizzard treatment of throwing as many spikes on something as possible.


Quake is already pretty sterile in imagery when compared to Doom. I actually hope they don't oversaturate the game with the stuff - the last thing a Quake reboot needs is to look like a metal album and have tons of pedestrian Lovecraft "references". 
source for him working at id please. 
That Chthon Is Shit 
whats your problem with a new chthon? he's pretty assome

QV yay!!!!! 
They Jst Have To Hire Dat Guy JR 
i've been wondering what the fuch with you id? 
Reply To #23413 Et Al. 
Sorry guys, I haven't visited the func properly in months, so I haven't been actively ignoring posts; just inactively ignoring them, or something. Eh.

Anyway, in answer to people wondering whether I've abandoned my quake project I was pimping about 18 months ago (or whenever). Here's the current status:

The work has not been abandoned - but it will no longer be for "quake" - as it is being turned into a free, standalone game made in a modern engine, although the game will closely adhere to the aesthetics of quake (i.e. low poly chunky geometry, point-filtered textures etc.) It will look quakey, play quakey and have a quakey atmosphere etc. - it definitely won't look like a "HD remake" or any such bullshit.

Here's the thing though - it's not even close to being finished because it's currently sitting in third priority behind two commercial projects which are taking all my time up for now.

I'll let you know once things start really moving on it and/or I have stuff to show. 
whats your problem with a new chthon?

Did you even read the rest of my post, you useless, permanently drunk shite? 
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