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The TrenchBroom Level Editor
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.

- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)

Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.

You can download the editor here.

If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.

If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.

Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.

Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!

Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit".
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I'll keep my stupid suggestions to myself then. (Oh yeah you wish!) Here's a few more random thoughts and what have you.

Copy/paste transform
Useful for quickly repositioning objects or replacing stuff. "I want that thing over here." As you expect by now I offer key combo suggestions!

CTRL+SHIFT+C = copy transform of currently selected object
CTRL+SHIFT+V = paste selected object to saved transform

Gizmos and widgets
Stick to your guns and find the right solution for TrenchBroom. Let's be real and admit that certain things (such as small movement manipulators and fully mouse driven camera controls tee hee) can waste time and reduce productivity.

Mouse wheel to resize stuff
Just a suggestion. Get rid of the mouse wheel to zoom the view, and make it resize the brush according to the currently selected face. For example, select a face and mouse wheel up/down would effectively move that face positive/negative along its normal or the closest axis, whatever. Wheeeee! (The current method is fine, just for fun and freestyling.)

Texture flip request
Please make the flip operations work for the currently selected face (that is, change the scale to -1 (or negative<current value>) horizontally or vertically, whichever was chosen. Toggle it back to positive if it was already negative. Do this and you may genuinely never need to use the texture dialogue to enter manual offsets which would elicit a loud and hearty FUCK YES from everyone who ever used a level editor. 
Ok, two more things and then I'll shut up for the night.

Selecting objects
Area select would be welcome of course, but please additionally consider paint select (both for brushes and faces) ala GtkR because it's just so fucking good.

Toggle brush outlines
Apologies if this has been mentioned (or can already be changed), but is there a way to toggle the white brush outlines? It's useful and I'd prefer to have it on most of the time, but sometimes I'd like to be able to turn it off to get a better idea of how things will look in game (or to see how well certain faces/textures sit with each other at the very edge, without the visual distraction). 
In terms of the duplicate argument I guess this is one time where I wouldn't be too opposed to a checkbox in the preferences:

[ ] Offset duplicates?

Then it either offsets based on your grid settings or it doesn't.

There seem to be strong opinions on each side of that one. 
You guys have to try the texture editing in Quark some day, because it rocks.

I also really miss the tree view of brushes and entities from it. It makes organising a map, selectively hiding or disabling parts, copy'n'pasting, mass changing things so easy. 
-group Problem And My Stupidity 
To appease rebb's brilliance and my idiocy it turns out I wasn't using his compiling tools at all, which is why it wasn't compiling func_groups properly. Sorry Rebb! 

Maybe make the duplicated content selected and "moving" when moving the mouse. Leftclick places where it is shown, rightclick places it in the original location.

Or paste it in place if the mouse cursor was on the selection. Otherwise place it at the mouse cursor. 
Copy/paste transform
Can you explain this a bit more? I don't quite understand what you mean.

Mouse wheel resize
I like the current control scheme and I think that the current way of resizing brushes is better (allows you to also change back faces).

Texture flip
That sounds useful - will implement this.

Selecting objects
If by paint select you mean "select everything touched by the mouse while holding Ctrl", then that's already on my todo list.

Toggle brush outlines
You can already do this in the view tab (Toggle "Render Edges"). 
Toggle Brush Outlines 
You can switch these off, click "view" on the right and deselect "render edges" 

There's a checkbox on the "View" tab for the brush outlines. 
I think if I get rid of the Duplicate command altogether and just let people use Ctrl+Drag to duplicate, that would elegantly resolve this discussion. 
Oh lawd... 
Texture editing will get an update in a future version where you will be able to move / rotate textures with the mouse. I also plan to add an "Align" button to the Face inspector which will align the texture to the brush edges (you can iterate through the edges by pressing the button repeatedly).

The tree view was in the Mac version of TB and it will eventually make a reappearance in this version. 
Woah, Hold Up There Son 
Don't like the idea? 
I'll leave it in if people want it, but I think that the most common operation is to duplicate something and then move it to another location. How is Ctrl+D + Mouse Drag more efficient than Ctrl+Mouse Drag? 
Copy & Paste Transform 
SleepwalkR, the idea here is to simply copy the position of an object, allowing you to paste something to that location.

For example if you have a brush or entity at (64, 0, 128) for example, you could copy that position and then paste something to that location later (whether or not the original object is still there doesn't matter).

It's useful for replacing objects sometimes, and also just to get some crap from the other side of the map to where you want to be quickly. 
The difference is, not everybody wants to drag it with the mouse. I'd prefer to use the keyboard shortcuts to move stuff when it makes sense to do so (for greater accuracy and/or speed).

This would be particularly true once you add the fly camera mode, so you could stay in that mode (assuming it's a toggle) and not have to turn it off to move something. (I'm assuming like Radiant and Hammer, you'd lock the cursor to the middle of the screen when engaging free fly mode so as not to allow it to drift out of the viewport). 
Interesting idea. But I think it already does this, because if you paste while something is selected, the pasted stuff is positioned such that the grid-snapped center of the bounds of the objects of the clipboard is at the same position as the grid-snapped center of the current selecction.

So the workflow would be like so: You go to the other end of the map and copy some shit. Then you go to its destination position, select something that's rougly where you want the copied shit to go, and paste.

The only thing you can't do is repeadly transport objects to a target destination without returning to that destination. I guess this is where camera bookmarks, also a planned feature, will come in handy ;-). 

No, sorry, your idea sounds good. I was referring to the 3 duplicate answers in a row. :P 
Render Edges 
I see the 'render edges' option now. I completely missed that before. Thanks everyone! (I will now request a keyboard shortcut to toggle it in a very small voice... please, sir...) 
For duplicating, I like the sound of selecting and dragging something while holding a key (shift or whatever). That's a pretty comfortable method I've seen in various editors and 3d apps.

The complex multiple key methods and with fixed offsets always feel clunky.

The texture argument is moot. Sorry. No matter how good a set of texture controls in another editor might feel, worldcraft wins because it has those extended controls for texture projection. (Yes, the ones that break Worldcraft compatability with everything else...)

Those justify controls automatically scale and align the texture to the face. The align world/face controls change the projection to one that actually fits on a non-orthagonal surface. Aligning rotated textures is a doddle with the additional buttons for scale, rotation and shift.

Replace is very powerful as well, allowing you to change all instances of a texture in a level with a few clicks, or just select all instances and modify how they;re aligned, scaled or whatever.

For me at least, these controls made all the hassle of the valve 220 format worth it. If we could have that level of efficiency in texture application but not have to piss about converting textures then it'd be like mapping in the future. 
Duplicate & Flythough Mode 
Frib, I'm not adverse to adding the copy + displace in one direction commands that you proposed.

I'm just saying that the duplicate command, whether it displaces by some constant amount in a direction that is dependent on the camera direction (the way it is now), or whether it doesn't displace at all, is not as useful because

- either it puts stuff where you don't want it or
- you might miss that you actually duplicated something (although the selection would flash white to give feedback) and end up with unwanted brushes.

I agree that it should be possible to duplicate stuff with the keyboard, but it should give the user the option to control where the duplicated stuff goes. So Ctrl+Direction keys to duplicate with the keyboard and Ctrl+Mouse drag to duplicate with the mouse. Problem solved. 
One idea that I loved from Hammer when I was doing Left 4 Dead mapping is that Valve does this great this where it pastes to the spot you're pointing at with the mouse. This is HUGELY useful for items and deco stuff.

You already have really good code for pointing into the world (the clipping tool and vertex modes obviously use it), so that would be easy to implement. 
Paste Behaviour 
Interesting idea. But I think it already does this, because if you paste while something is selected, the pasted stuff is positioned such that the grid-snapped center of the bounds of the objects of the clipboard is at the same position as the grid-snapped center of the current selecction.

Hmm, it doesn't seem to do that for me (if it did, that would most likely be a fine solution as you suggest). It always pastes it at the same default distance from the camera here, and does not seem to be influenced in any way by the current selection. 
Half Life 1 Support? 
Not exactly a request, just thinking out loud. Would it be possible? I can't think of any alternatives to WC/Hammer for HL1, but an editor like TB could be interesting.

Food for thought when supporting other games, perhaps? 
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