Brigade RTRT
#23113 posted by Spiney on 2013/07/25 02:47:32
is getting increasingly more ridiculous
Video On How I Feel
This video shows how I feel about games, watch it to the end, especially true about secrets and visual language of level design near the end.
What A Bunch Of Twats
#23117 posted by Spirit on 2013/07/28 11:49:52
Phil Fish
is an asshole.
#23119 posted by bal on 2013/07/28 13:20:37
What he says at the end of the video is pretty true though, I just would apply it to video games in general, not just Japanese games.
Fez is pretty cool though.
#23120 posted by Spiney on 2013/07/28 16:02:21
Wait, only Japanese games take tutorials and hand holding too far? Am I living in the same universe as these guys? Stuck up twits.
FEZ II is cancelled.
i am done.
i take the money and i run.
this is as much as i can stomach.
this is isn�t the result of any one thing, but the end of a long, bloody campaign.
you win.
Good Writeup Of Doom Vs Modern FPS
#23122 posted by Spiney on 2013/07/29 00:47:27
This Is Too Good Not To Share
#23123 posted by DaZ on 2013/07/29 01:45:48
#23124 posted by Cocerello on 2013/07/29 11:52:37
It says things that are true, but it feels also quite a bit like he is proclaiming about the superiority of every Doom mechanic over everything else.
Read the 83th comment, even though that person is in rage, he says interesting things.
Unchecked Egos All-round
#23125 posted by Kinn on 2013/07/29 13:11:07
This is Marcus Beer's rant which caused Phil Fish to throw his little tantrum and cancel Fez 2:
Although both Blow and Fish are extremely arrogant and annoying individuals, it takes a special kind of immaturity and unprofessionalism to ragequit on a game development because of some mean words some random dick said on the internet.
Beer, Blow and Fish. Sounds like a decent night out.
Not like anybody even knew who Marcus Beer was before this happened.
Oh well, Fish will be back, unfortunately.
Don't get the hate for Blow.
#23128 posted by Kinn not logged in on 2013/07/29 15:31:37
I think Blow has mellowed a bit in recent years, but I remember back in the Braid days he was extremely smug and pretentious and the success of Braid only fuelled his ego.
Doom Article
#23129 posted by ijed on 2013/07/29 17:51:08
Nice read.
I agree with a lot that is said. Typically modern games designers can't stomach only having the 'basic' mechanics in a game. There always need to be RPG elements or a recharging shield or whatever.
Not that these mechanics when taken individually are invalid, but when the design becomes a mess of conflicting ones it usually results in a game I can't be arsed to play, let alone finish.
The kind of pared down gameplay we see in games from yesteryear is hard to find nowadays, but also the most interesting to me personally.
83rd comment - the guy seems stuck on the idea that realism = better games. The article itself generalises a lot and talks about Doom as the core because, well, that's what was under discussion.
Fish/Blow/Beer - who gives a toss?
#23130 posted by Kinn not logged in on 2013/07/29 18:52:43
Fish/Blow/Beer - who gives a toss?
The sizeable chunk of people who were looking forward to Fez II probably.
Also: those of us who like to get the popcorn out, sit back, and enjoy the BEEF.
#23131 posted by ijed on 2013/07/29 20:24:08
Fair point. But I doubt this comment will have any affect on the production, or not, of Fez2.
I'm grumpy on Mondays.
To be fair, despite the bad press, I'd err on the side of 'the blowfish' in this little shitstorm.
While it's true that their games are paid for by their fans, it's not true that they're paid for by the self-entitled gaming press and it's debatable that even having them 'on your side' is worth a mousefart.
Having genuine word of mouth among people who like your game and evangelize it for love not money is different though.
Oculus Quake
#23133 posted by Cocerello on 2013/07/29 23:49:29
I'm surprised at how you found that kind of information in the 83rd comment of the doom article.
In that huge mass of paragraphs that guy wrote in that rage attack, there is only one that can be related to what you say, and only very superficially.
He mainly talks about a very different issue, even though his affirmations aren't directly related to the theme of the article, it is about a problem this article has in the reasons he has about valuing Doom, and in my opinion many more articles by other people, considering that a few games where the ones that made everything, even though it is more like they were the ones that popularized all those aspects and innovations, they only innovated in part of them.
That Was
#23134 posted by ijed on 2013/07/30 00:29:18
The bit was most coherent for me. He's not really justified in being angry at other FPSs being glossed over because the name of the article says 'Doom' in it.
Criticizing someone for a lack of knowledge should be done in a helpful way IMHO.
On the other hand, maybe I'm reading your response to my response wrong :)
Completely Random Question
#23135 posted by Spiney on 2013/07/30 01:51:05
Does anyone know of a site that presents you with a fake dos console upon entering?
I thought about putting some easter egg in a site like that, where you need to 'hack' your way in.
Comment 83
#23136 posted by Spiney on 2013/07/30 01:52:33
Talk about a bad temper, haha.
#23137 posted by czg on 2013/07/30 07:15:41