#22958 posted by
negke on 2013/06/05 20:02:07
The text color could be a little bit brighter.
#22959 posted by
negke on 2013/06/05 20:05:10
Just send Willem an email and ask him to delete the wrongly uploaded files or move them to the right directory.
#22960 posted by
metlslime on 2013/06/05 20:08:48
i forgot though, this is actually confusing and hard to find -- in addition to the stuff in gl_model.c, the actual UVs are calculated in BuildSurfaceDisplayList, which is in r_brush.c.
#22961 posted by ijed on 2013/06/05 20:41:55
Ok, my bad.
#22962 posted by
than on 2013/06/06 15:24:39
Thanks! I've got all the texture loading code working now. It was a bit of a nightmare because I made some stupid mistakes and wasted a lot of time searching for really dumb bugs because textures were flipped and colours were wrong. Next step is to correctly assign uvs and textures.
Note that the textures can be stored in the .blend file. This is a pretty nice feature! It's still possible to export them, though I don't know if there is any way to get permission to save files anywhere other than /tmp/ from a python script in blender. For obj compatibility it will probably be needed... and dealing with special characters that aren't compatible with windows file names, like * in liquid texture names :(
Trip To Denmark
#22963 posted by
JPL on 2013/06/06 18:22:50
I'll be in Copenhagen for job reasons by June 18th-19th. If any danish mapper wants to meet there... just let me know ;)
Oh, and for all the perverts that think I am trying to date, just shut up :)
This Spammer Really Sucks
#22968 posted by
mfx on 2013/06/07 20:04:49
Not Sure But....
#22972 posted by
JPL on 2013/06/08 12:36:23
... I hope it is not date + Copenhagen in post #22963 that triggered this spamming burst... though... :P
#22973 posted by
Hrimfaxi on 2013/06/08 16:28:04
would have loved to meet you! But I don't live in Copenhagen anymore and the dates you gave is spoken for!
But I hope you will like Denmark anyway! 8-)
#22974 posted by
than on 2013/06/09 15:57:12
shit slow and hacky code in places, but it works:
http://www.quaketastic.com/upload/files/misc/bsp_importer_wtex.png(1.5mb! sorry)
.bsp import script that imports hopefully any old .bsp as a textured and uv mapped mesh in Blender.
It's kind of slow. Sorry about that. 1 minute + for very large maps I guess. Still, that's much faster than building by hand :)
#22975 posted by
than on 2013/06/09 15:57:53
Very Cool
#22976 posted by
Preach on 2013/06/09 20:56:24
That's really awesome stuff Than. I'm sure that everyone would like to edit BSPs like that, and equally sure it would be a nightmare to actually implement. But I can see a feasible next step for someone who was keen: lighting! I actually suspect that it would be marginally easier to create the lighting in the blender editor and export that back to the BSP. I will admit that I don't know how good the lighting support is in blender though...
I Have Been Thinking
#22977 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2013/06/09 21:12:08
about writing an editor that edits the BSP directly. I'm not sure if it's feasible, though, but I imagine it to be pretty cool.
#22978 posted by
- on 2013/06/09 23:19:53
direct BSP editing would be pretty sweet, but I suspect making the hulls would be a nightmare with the sorts of geometry people would make
#22979 posted by
necros on 2013/06/10 00:07:59
hmmm... even if you could just load up a bsp mesh and bake new lighting in, it'd be pretty darn awesome.
Not Really For Editing To Be Honest.
#22980 posted by
than on 2013/06/10 00:52:28
I made the script mainly as a way to convert bsp to a standard 3d format and learn python scripting in blender. I do think it might be a good place to start if you want to take some kind of beauty shot render of your map though, since you can add lighting, texture resolution and detail before doing proper renders using cycles or whatever you like.
Fuck That's Awesome Than
#22982 posted by
starbuck on 2013/06/10 10:28:55
I'd love to see some of the classic maps lit properly, maybe I should download this blender thing