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BSP -> Blender -> Whatever 
I've been trying to learn Blender recently, and once of the things I thought I'd try was scripting. Since I didn't have any better ideas, I thought I'd try making a bsp importer in case for some reason I, or anyone else, wanted to render their maps.

This is very early still. The only thing it can do right now is import all the models in the bsp as separate meshes in Blender. I plan to extract textures and assign them as materials, but that's quite a lot of work for me, since I have to extract the texture alignment params, translate them into regular uv space, save out all the textures and assign them to each polygon in the level.

- auto weld all verts
- allow user scale option (currently uses 0.05 of Quake scale)
- allow user to filter by model ids
- would be nice to filter out triggers etc. but that requires quite a lot more work because of how simply it is written right now.
- extract textures and assign as materials
- optimisation so it doesn't take 30s+ on large maps to import :( 
Forgot To Mention 
that if you want to use this with another package... well, blender is freely downloadable from, is multi-platform and requires no installation, so you can quickly get it set up, import the bsp, then export as obj or whatever to use in some other 3d tool.

Also, once you weld all the verts, each model is a fully sealed mesh. I'd imagine it's not too hard to extrude the faces and take into zbrush or whatever if you wanted to. 
Awesome Work 
This is very early still. The only thing it can do right now is import all the models in the bsp as separate meshes in Blender. I plan to extract textures and assign them as materials, but that's quite a lot of work for me, since I have to extract the texture alignment params, translate them into regular uv space, save out all the textures and assign them to each polygon in the level.

Just wanted to say, the engine already does this so that it can render the BSP, maybe you can copy code from there instead of writing from scratch? 
(the UV calculation part, I mean) 
Is there any Q1 engine with support for variable spaced fontmaps? It's much nicer for blocks of text, and just more legible in general. 
yeah, I was thinking I could probably just get it from fitzquake or trenchbroom code. I guess tb is a bit different since it's converting from map and the format is a different.

Might have a go at getting textures in at the weekend. 
Messed With Some CSS3 
Moar CSS3!!!

(actually I toned it down a bit overall) 
Messed Quaketastic 
I uploaded some files to quaketastic, but for some reason they all were dumped into the main directory.
I was sure to add them into the right subdirectory.
Can't delete them, made a pretty mess of it. 
Where is the code for loading the bsp? I searched the FQ code and in bspfile.h the function LoadBSPFile is declared, but searching for that string gives me no other results. I also searched on the internet, but got no results. Where should I be looking for the texture code?

Sorry if this sounds dumb and it's in fact very obvious where LoadBSPFile is. 
Some quick feedback:

Make the block text properly formatted for upper/lower case - it's hard to read.

Maybe make out the background map lines a bit more, maybe desaturate them a bit as well.

Less is more! 
Make the block text properly formatted for upper/lower case - it's hard to read

What do you mean by 'block text'?

Tad confused because I DID have it as a font that was 100% capitalised. But last night (about midnight) I changed it to Arial. Just the paragraphs and lists.

I lurve feedback and constructive criticism, but I don't know what you mean. 
Block Text 
The below is what I mean by block text, I copied it from your site and it appears to be an ALL CAPS FONT, but not arial, unless it's some bad all caps version.

"Deja Vu!" was my first official Quake 1 singleplayer release. It comprises of six small boxed maps. You can see how my mapping becomes more..

The above is readable, but this is how I'm seeing it on your site:


Which hurts my eyes to read. 
Ah - Right 
That's not right - refresh your page/cache.

It DID look like that, but I already changed it :)

Does refreshing your page/cache fix the issue? 
The function Mod_LoadBrushModel is a good place to start (in gl_model.c) 
The text color could be a little bit brighter. 
Just send Willem an email and ask him to delete the wrongly uploaded files or move them to the right directory. 
i forgot though, this is actually confusing and hard to find -- in addition to the stuff in gl_model.c, the actual UVs are calculated in BuildSurfaceDisplayList, which is in r_brush.c. 
Ok, my bad. 
Thanks! I've got all the texture loading code working now. It was a bit of a nightmare because I made some stupid mistakes and wasted a lot of time searching for really dumb bugs because textures were flipped and colours were wrong. Next step is to correctly assign uvs and textures.

Note that the textures can be stored in the .blend file. This is a pretty nice feature! It's still possible to export them, though I don't know if there is any way to get permission to save files anywhere other than /tmp/ from a python script in blender. For obj compatibility it will probably be needed... and dealing with special characters that aren't compatible with windows file names, like * in liquid texture names :( 
Trip To Denmark 
I'll be in Copenhagen for job reasons by June 18th-19th. If any danish mapper wants to meet there... just let me know ;)

Oh, and for all the perverts that think I am trying to date, just shut up :) 
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