I think if anyone is playing quake in 2013 they're most likely playing with a custom engine. If they're using standard quake it probably wont run unless you keep the poly count and monster/entity count quite low too (which in the case of StarkMon I'm not sure it would work in glquake, unless it does?)
I'm may be cynical in my thought process with it. Plus if they're a total noob then they might not know about the r_wateralpha r_novis console command either...
I dunno, am I championing a losing battle here? :P
Seems like everyone wants to cater for glquake/winquakers!
#22759 posted by
RickyT33 on 2013/05/03 00:49:31
The only thing they have to do is use Quoth.
Quoth fires the 'r_wateralpha 0.2' command when the map loads :)
It's no biggy - I used 'propper' glass in the RMQ Winter 2011 demo. Big map too....
Starkmon Does Work In GlQuake Btw
#22760 posted by
RickyT33 on 2013/05/03 00:51:48
It's right on the triangles limit. The far-clipping thing is an issue though
though I suspect the bundled quoth maps are probably at or beyond the limit... again, anyone playing quoth are most certainly going to be using a custom engine aren't they?
Plus if the glass texture is nice enough then perhaps it wont matter in the standard engine that it isn't transparent? After all, the terracotta textures (like the ones found in gloom keep) have non-transparent glass...
Not saying it's not nice for folk, almost charitable in fact, that they're trying to support the standard engines, but... why bother? haha :P
#22762 posted by
necros on 2013/05/03 02:08:24
no, the original quoth maps all work in normal limit engines (ie: glquake). They were specifically designed that way. Later maps were up to their author's discretion though.
Just Played
the quake expansions today... Armagon started off ok and the quality of the levels really dropped off at the end.
Not played much of dissolution yet, but seems way harder than normal quake, not really a bad thing.
This Post Was Flagged As Spam.
#22774 posted by
- on 2013/05/08 04:19:00
This Capitalised Post Title Was Flagged As Beans
#22775 posted by
RickyT33 on 2013/05/08 04:24:52
#22776 posted by
quaketree on 2013/05/08 09:18:21
I like beans and had them as a part of my dinner tonight.
1/3rd of a Lb re-hydrated kidney (Red) beans.
3 cups of dry rice
10 oz bag of spinach leaves
3 heaping spoon fulls of chicken bullion
Salt and pepper
1 Onion, diced
1 garlic bulb, diced
Water and a bit of olive oil
Simmer the beans for at least an an hour then add the rest. Lunch or dinner for a couple of days for pennies. Very healthy as well. Not recommended as a full time food source, that's what pizza is for.
#22777 posted by
JPL on 2013/05/08 10:35:29
Isn't there a food thread already ? Yes there is: !!!
#22778 posted by
Cocerello on 2013/05/08 12:04:24
What a coincidence! :D I'm doing almost the same recipe right now, but i replace the chicken and the rice for red and green pepper, diced pork and diced cured in salt beacon and some pleurotus (a grownable mushroom).
Beans ... Again
#22779 posted by
Cocerello on 2013/05/08 12:09:49
I forgot, i don't use spinach in my recipe too.
Food Thread
#22780 posted by
Cocerello on 2013/05/08 12:12:56
#22777 / #22780
#22781 posted by
JPL on 2013/05/08 18:22:47
Metlslime: please merge !!