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speaking of which, there should be some reviews coming soon. Been busy, but I have been doing some mapping. Plus I finally tried Skyrim. Pretty sweet so far. 
Sad to see you are done with Quake and mapping, but thanks for leaving us with such a cool map.

I hope you pop by from time to time to see what's going on. 
Did your email get hacked? I just got spam from you :( 
Was It About Viagra And Penis Enlargement? 
Because then it probably was legit. 
Anyone Tried This Already ? 
Here's a cool hack 'n slash made by Hipshot I found on the mapcore forums. I really like it, so I figured It'd be okay to cross post it here:

Me and a friend have been developing this little gauntlet inspired hack n slash for the last three months or so, we just outed a public beta/demo of it.

I don't know how much people here play smaller indiegames (I usually don't, that's for sure), so I won't make a too large thread about it, but you can read more and download it at the GL-page.


We hope of course to be able to release this through steam. I probably can not talk too much about how the greenlight process works, but the first three weeks we went from zero into the top #100 and are now at place #25.

What do you think? :) 
Hammerwatch - News Rejected 
1. not sure this is properly formatted news
2. link doesn't work, and i was unable to find this on steam 
Looks fun. 
wow that does look cool! Long live pixel games! :) 
Oh Man 
1:00 is pure E1M4. 
Tried it out, and the controls are kind of clunky.

You can only shoot in the direction you're facing, which is fine for some games () and nice and old school, but here it doesn't work so well because there's hordes. So often you have to run away, turn, shoot, run away etc.

Maybe it controls better with a joystick.

Going to wander around a bit more, does look very nice.

Also requires a download of some OpenAL thing for the sound to work. 
Hit post with putting the link inside those brackets...: 
Not Bad.. 
It's kind of gauntlet-ish. :) 
Ghost-n-Goblins Mixed With Commando 
.. that's what it reminds me... old-ish 1985 years are back :) 
Portal For DS 
Models Models Models 
I really wish economists would put their fairytale models where the sun doesn't shine and fix their own profession first. 
Profession Is The Correct Word 
Hey where are my Economy books?! - I took them, needed something soft to sit on. 
Anybody Wanna Tell Me This Is Fake?!?! 
Hm, I'm No Guitar Guy 
but the 500bpm sounded best to me. maybe it's the compression or something, but it sounded most precise. 
and it's fucking awesome :D 
Theres Actually A Guy Who Does 999bpm 
Also looked legit. :O 
He once fingered a girl. She died. 
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