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Drunk Thread
All of your drunk thought should be posted here. You should not flood the GA thread while you're drunk. Just post it here.

All af your most crazy drunk posts must exist here, cause it's a drunk thread. Don't be affraid to show it.
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This Guy... 
... is really drunk !!! 
I'd just like to point out that tequila is my new favorite beverage, especially of the alcoholic kind. 
I Didn't Know Tequila Came In Non-alcoholic Versions 
Beer Rules The World 
now i drink alive non-filtered dark beer 
Alright, Alright 
Excuse the poor of my grammar.

Out of alcoholic stuff, tequila is my favorite? 
you can say what you want to,
even if you're not serious
Fuck myself,
fuck myself,
im a piece of shit
why dont i just go and kill myself
you cant say what you want to. 
Oh Yes, 
cant = to be able to 
You Don't Wanna Do That 
How are you gonna get laid if you are dead? 
Three Types Of Drunkedness I Despise 
1) The drama queen drunk. My friend Tom is highly succeptable to this. One time he convinced himself he was possessed by demons. I have to admit he did some pretty decent speaking in tounges. But my other friends fell for it, they started crying their eyes out. I couldn't stand it so I pushed Tom to the ground, and I tickled him under his ribcage until he puked up everything. That ended that tirade. My friends did not understand that drunks feed off of peoples emotions. You only make it worse by taking them seriously.

The other two are the 1) Sodium pentathol drunk. My biggest weakness, where I want to confess every damn thing I've ever done, and 2) the sentimental drunk. I guess every body at sometime has paid an ex a visit in the middle of the night. 
I Also Hate 
4) the slayer drunks. they tend to destroy everything when they're drunk 
I Was Going 
to add the 5) horny drunk. But that is really the same as the sentimental drunk, as the sentiments arise out of a unseviceable (due to alchohol consumption) libido. 
So Basically 
You hate drunks period. 
Oh No, 
that would be hypocritical -- I despise certain stages of drunkedness, caused by the wrong combinations of alcohol. 
Erm Yeah Wrong Combinations 

that's it

what about drugs, anyone do drugs?
back when I was far less cynical than I am now (and my life is a linear process of increasing cynicism, so I guess I could say that exact thing at any point) I read The Doors of Perception and got interested in psychadelics. But alcohol is really the ultimate drug - worth all the other ones combined. 
an Off the Topic question, are you still working on the SoE expansion, possibly for the QExpo, and do you need any help. I wouldn't mind, as it has been on my back burner as well for some time. 
This Is Actually Pretty Appropriate Right Now 
as I am quite drunk
well here are my plans:
release arcane soon (top priority)
release other stuff (SoE expansion included)
whatever help you want to offer is much appreciated
my map for that project went way over all limits (as always happens). As it is, SoE expansion will very likely be the last project that I release.
But hey, you want to build some stuff or contribute here or there, please be my guest. I *NEVER* make deadlines, as you know (even in reviews - my apologies to all). I was always interested to see what other creators would do with my fantasy/outdoor/dungeon idea anyway.

Hey megaman
I think I might understand what you are saying 
Glad to give it a shot. I've been anxious to get back into mapping after a month of strictly building models; the preperations for the mapping phase of my project isn't ready yet, so a wizard/SoE style map or two is just what the doctor ordered (that and a pinch of hair from the dog that bit ya). 
never interested me. Kinda pointless to feel stuff if it's not real and all that reasoning. I'm slightly drunk btw. 
well, what is truth worth anyway? Not much from my point of view, within which I include philosphical as well as aesthetic reasons. I mean I sentimentally go for truh, but aside from sentimentality I think there is no reason at all.

Existentialism blah blah blah. We are monkeys on a rock in space. As sad as it is.

I never tried drugs to escape though; I drink to escape (and still do, and am doing so now in fact). In my own experience though I learned a bit about how I think, and what I apply to perceptions, from drugs. Not that I am saying it has really been that useful; of an experience. 
Identify This Monster 
< >

first one to get it wrong commits suicide or signs a CUBE consent form instead...

yep, I'm not really that sober right now... 
"Kinda pointless to feel stuff if it's not real and all that reasoning. I'm slightly drunk btw."

You don't see the 2nd part of your statement to be contradicting the first? 
it was mostly intentional.
Habits and trends define much of what's "the ultimate absolute truth and principle that has always been and always will be".

Drunkenness is a thing. Sometimes it makes you somewhat happier and sometimes it makes you just pity yourself (which can be almost hilarious in hindsight). Some friend speculated that it amplifies whatever mood you already have. Dunno. Then there's the social dimension, which is probably often much bigger than the actual effect.

I don't know if any lasting good has come to me from any drinking ever. It's like being out on saturday night and you're feeling that the place you're in sucks so bad, but you know you'd feel even worse at home. (Sorry, my english ain't that colourful.) I heard there's a new non-smoking bar in town. Gotta check it out some time.

Do you guys smoke? 
I mean cigarettes, tobacco, the plain thing. 
but only when I drink. I smoke nasty Camels so I don't get a compulsion to smoke while I'm sober. 
No Drugs 
Although if I had a good source, I might be tempted to try a hit of DMT. Then again maybe that is just a fleeting notion. 
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