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I'm strictly Vanilla, so, I hope our new documentation does not have vanilla mixed with non-vanilla. I think non-vanilla should have it's own separate area, perhaps called "Non-Vanilla"

I also have archives of tools from the 90s, that I suspect some of those tools can no longer be found because of the planetquake takeover.

Perhaps let's start small; start on one section first, such as "Vanilla -> Tools"

I also have an archive of skins(player skins), which appears to be bigger than the current archive of skins posted on this site or quaddicted site. About 500+ skins.

etc. etc. 
Let's Move This To Its Own Thread 
I Love Those New Models 
they really capture the feel of the old quake while making nice improvements, if only the really high poly stuff did the same thing. I hope the guy realises he's going to have to update all the quoth models too ;) 
Lovely Pixels 
Upgraded Quake monster models 
Those Are Really Great 
I approve. 
very cool, finally something not broken and not mindlessly "retectured" 
This doesn't work in FitzQuake but it does work in DirectQ? 
New Models 
I scrutinised them in QME and I'm impressed by how well they cope with the 8-bit vertex issue. Really top notch. 
New Models. 
"Just to clarify, the reason I am working with this fairly low number of polygons is because I feel like there should be a kind of synergy between the world and the characters that inhabit it, this makes the game more compelling for me and helps to make it more immersive."

Fuck YEAH. At last a modder making sense.

I do think the dog's eyes would be nice looking more evile, but all else is spot on. 
Yeah, those are great upgrades. I'm not one for high-res anything in Quake. It just looks out of place... 
Brilliant Work 
that guy nailed it. Can't wait to see more. Hopefully there is more. 
So They Are .mdls 
and will work in any engine? 
doesn't seem to work in fitz for me nitin, but they are just standard .mdl files. They seem to work in DirectQ. 
they do work in fitzquake, i assume they would even work in dos quake, they seem to be standard format and within vertex/triangle/skin limits 
did you put the files in id1/progs ?

Cause I did exactly that and for me they default to the standard models... :-/ 
The paks are prioritized over loose files. Put in a mod folder or as pak2.pak. 
What Negke Said 
i put them in a seperate mod folder for that reason.

Interesting, though, that DirectQ worked for you. Does that imply that its file search order is broken? 
I wish I knew enough about how mods work to tell you! But sadly I only really know how level editing works. :P

Neg, I will probably make a folder as you suggest. :) 
The Downside 
of visiting sock is that he's making me want to spend my entire three month trip to argentina mapping 
Damn Dirty Pirates 
Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do 
and by that I mean go map 
No screenshot of mapping, no mapping has happened! :P 
That guy hit the nail on the head. I started giving any new game(s) a long hard look regarding DRM several years ago and will base my purchasing decision partly on that. For many games (that I did not purchase but probably would have if the DRM scheme wasn't so odious) that is a lost sale, but of course they can't quantify that either, just like they can't quantify the costs of internet piracy.

What I can say is that even for the games that I legally own I'll usually seek out and use things like no-cd "Fixes" to bypass the DRM crap altogether.

As to SimCity 2013 and their busted game all I can do is laugh at EA\Maxis. I'll be really sure to not buy anything from them in the future without knowing ahead of time that I can 100% bypass their DRM scheme's without losing functionality. 
No-cd Fixes, Drm Etc 
DRM has never been a barrier for me purchasing a game, but I don't particularly like it either. I have bought games on a couple of occasions that had poor DRM problems, namely Diablo 3 and HL2 both having server trouble on launch.

I'd like to think I have learned my lesson but both games were really hyped, there's no way I'd be able to not drop money on such iconic franchises even with the crappy DRM. 
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