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Mark V - Release 1.00

* Nehahra support -- better and deeper link
* Mirror support, "mirror_" textures. video
* Quaddicted install via console (i.e. "install travail")
* Full external texture support DP naming convention
* Enhanced dev tools texturepointer video inspector video
* IPv6 support, enhanced server capabilities
* Enhance co-operative play (excels at this!)
* Software renderer version (WinQuake)
* "Find" information command (ex. type "find sky")

Thanks to the beta testers! NightFright, fifth, spy, gunter, pulsar, johnny law, dwere, qmaster, mfx, icaro, kinn, adib, onetruepurple, railmccoy

And thanks to the other developers who actively provided advice or assistance: Spike (!), mh, ericw, metlslime and the sw guys: mankrip and qbism.

/Mac version is not current yet ...; Linux will happen sometime in 2017
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I don't recall the claim being that Android doesn't supports oggs. The point is that hardware decoding of mp3 is ubiquitous, oggs must be software-decoded and that make a very appreciable difference to both performance and battery life. "Everything is software" is cutesy in the desktop space but it cuts no ice in mobile. 
Use Ctrl + F and search for OGG and you'll eventually find claims that Android doesn't support Vorbis.

And what exactly does Mark V have to do with mobile though? I still see no reason to purposely disable Vorbis support for the desktop if Mark V is used on mobile devices, especially when some people have issues with Mark V loading MP3s. 
About that: I still would like get an answer on mp3 playback in the Quakedroid channel. Just look at my most recent post over there. 
When I was mentioning that Android wouldn't play OGG, I was only mistakenly repeating what Baker seemed to say in #2169 where he used the word "impossible." But then I found that Android CAN natively play OGG, and I posted about it over in the QuakeDroid thread.
I read something online saying that ringtones in MP3 format do not loop in Android, but ringtones in OGG format do loop (if a certain flag is set in the file), so I assume that's why Google uses OGG format ringtones for apps like Hangouts (and other built-in alarms and ringtones you will find in Android).

brassbite, I don't think music support has been added to QuakeDroid yet. Like you, I could not get an MP3 to play in the game. 
Well Thats A Bummer 
Why are we even discussing adding ogg support when the fucking game can't even play any music at this point? 
QuakeDroid played the OST just fine for me... 
So... i'm trying to compile the last version of markV
(this one )

and i'm getting the following error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'windows.h': No such file or directory

what am i doing wrong? :/ 
QuakeDroid played the OST just fine for me...


Well, then I don't know what the deal is. I (and brassbite) can't seem to get the MP3s to play in QuakeDroid. We need word from Baker about this.

(And I think we're getting some cross-posting confusion between QuakeDroid and Mark V.) 
JFC Baker Has Repeatedly Said Ogg Wont Be Supported 
Stop banging on about it for gods sake. 
Gunter's mp3 problem will be solved in the Christmas update (this isn't new, I eventually gave up trying to communicate this to gunter).

Spike maybe a year ago told me about something neat he uses in FTE that will work even on Gunter's old WinXP computer just fine.

I'll add a cvar mp3_decode_fte and have it be a third click option in "cd/mp3 music on|off".

Gunter will end up being very happy and pleased.

@brassbite - I answered your question in the QuakeDroid thread (so anyone else looking for the answer can find it more easily).

@dumptruck - You wouldn't let me get the Trinity or the other 2 artifacts. And made me wait 10 seconds for the hammer. ;-)

@johnny - Yeah, just XBox controllers support. Microsoft controllers are actually backwards compatible to Windows 98 (!!) If you are super intent on using a Steam controller, find the release post and use the "alternate" SDL2 build! Your Steam controller *should* work with that. DirectX Mark V is not SDL2, so doesn't have the rich and deep controller support that they put into SDL2 (unless I steal it and graft it in, which eventually I will probably do in the future ... SDL2 is a very nice and freedom granting license .. a good reason to support SDL2)

@hipnotic - Yeah, it uses the first controller it finds. But in the Christmas version I'll add a way to set it to use "controller #2".

@tribal - I compile with Visual Studio C++ Express 2008 get it plus Service Pack 1. With that version, you open Mark V .vcproj and click "Build" --> BANG! It compiles.

So Tribal, I hope you can get it to compile. With the same Visual Studio, should be easy enough. There is no such thing as "current Visual Studio" because now they don't really do "versions" so I imagine they break things every 6 months or so because Microsoft is really good at that now.

/Resuming sustained months long inactivity ... 
@dumptruck - You wouldn't let me get the Trinity or the other 2 artifacts. And made me wait 10 seconds for the hammer. ;-)

I'm guessing you were probably messing around in the menus before starting the map. The sound files seemed to get out of sync with the triggers when I did that. Disconnect, set your settings and then reload. I tested the map in Mark V extensively and prefer it to QS. :) Should be a solid experience. 
I Wood've Bear With Baker 
a lotsa bears


20/30 buttles 
Hot Durmit 
Thank you for the links, but i couldn't install VS C++ 2008 :P

I download other versions of the same program and none of them install... i searched on google and it seems there's something worng with my framework NET 3.5 or something like that... i'll try to fix it on the weekend :/

Thanks again =D

And i agree with dumptrunk, i prefer MarkV to Quakespasm... i like the HUD that doesn't cover the weapon, the sound and music are better, the colors have more saturation, it seems to me that the explosions have more particles, i don't know, but the classic explosions looks more powerfull in MarkV) and the special effects like the shambler's lightning, tarbaby's explosion and the fact that you let me decide which special effect i want turn on or off is awesome =D

Thank you one more time XD 
Hi, it' me again =D

I think i found a bug :P

The tarbaby/spawn explosions doesn't change when you set to 0 or 1... it's the old/same explosion :(

i miss that pretty purple circular explosion from QMB 
Is WAV Playback Supported For Music? 
Just wondering. 
Wav Is Supported In Quakespasm 
...but can't confirm if it works in Mark V here at work. I wouldn't be surprised because uncompressed formats are generally easier to support and it's not OGG. (LOL) 
Spike has stated that .wav soundtracks is a bad idea.

Take an 4MB mp3 file and convert it to wav and watch it become 75 MB to 95 MB to 120 MB (it's kind of shocking -- you should try it and see for yourself.)

Spike said that the load times, the storage space, disk access time, memory usage make .wav "taxing" and undesirable for music play.

Anyway, that's what Spike said once upon a time when such a topic came up. 
That last post re: OGG was not a dig. I was LOLing at someone else. 
Gunter is very helpful and often able to make interesting observations that most people wouldn't notice. He plays co-operative all the time, knows QuakeC in a way comparable to Preach. Gunter isn't a bad guy, just passionate.

I think everyone occasionally gets passionate about something. Sleepwalker once had a guy named Dequer in the TrenchBroom thread who was "very passionate" about certain topics.

I think it is cool there are people still passionate about Quake.

Fun fact: Gunter once wrote a QuakeC rollercoaster ride. I kid you not! 
Just like this thread!!!!

That's a amazing. I do think Gunter's passion for Mark V has made it better. There's no one who is as vocal or who tests it more than he! GG Gunter. 
WAV memory usage is smaller than most compressed formats if it's streamed from the drive instead of being fully loaded. But the other negative aspects still apply. 
Gunter made a whole playground entirely in QuakeC where you collected "Quaders" to use the games and rides, which included said rollercoaster, a trampoline, and something else. The arcade games were tetris and pac man all done using Quake's special characters font. Along with little things you can interact with like sticking your hand down an ogres pants for a quader. All this was used as a hub for connecting to other popular servers at the time.

Sorry I know it isn't related to the topic, but it had to be mentioned. 
Also A Zombie Wall Climb 
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