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Does it count if you VIS on a terrible computer? That's kind of cheating, isn't it? :) 
I'm A Pink Toothbrush, You're A Blue Toothbrush 
All of my previously released maps were built and compiled on that computer, so I won't hear anything bad said about it. 
Vis Runtime Wolrd Record Is Mine As Fas As I Know 
... and still I don't know if I have to be proud of this... though....

It happened with "Castle of the Dark Ages" ( ) ... vis runtime was 1218 hours (you read it correctly: one thousand two hundred and eighteen hours... 50 days and 18 hours...).. I at least won the worl record of patience :P
Note it ran on my current crashed computer (i.e with AMD Athlon 2600+), and it was not a multi-thread vis tool.

I guess same map on other computer with better vis tool could result in half the original runtime 
Take Me Back To The Black Hills 
Well, I think you will be keeping the record for some time.

Last night I went into FullVis and read the riot act. It was all obstinance and slouching, but when I went in this morning, all of a sudden 93% complete and only 33 hours to go. So that told him! 
Reason #18460 why I've never played that sodding game. 
What? I Don't Even... 
Nerd Level Up 
Reminded me of that stealing in skyrim video though, which made me smile. 
Hur Hur 
Because I Used To Love Her, But It's All Over Now... 
So, FullVis finally gave up taunting me and gave birth after 280h 53m. All those threats of 400+ hours were just bluff. Tosser!

And, you know what? It doesn't look or feel any better on the i7 laptop than the QuickVis version.

I'll push it out some time next week (with reservations, provisos, and a general lack of satisfaction (I ain't got no...) 

Oh look, it's all the people from the other thread. All these familiar faces--but yet not so familiar quite yet since I've never been here before. 
who are you? 
who are you? 
unflagging vondur's spam post because i think there is some penalty for accounts or IP addresses that have spam posts linked to them, can't remember exactly...

I guess i need to fix this double post but that just cropped up. I thought it was fixed like 10 years ago. 
Not sure. To me, it doesn't look like a double post, because the dates are quite different. Also, I noticed his first post and it was only 1 post. Several minutes later, it's a second one now. 
It Happens On Refresh 
Hence the time difference. 
i refreshed and it doubled. slime, add ajax tech here so we don't need to refresh ;) 
Lol, I really made an ass of myself with the refresh thing last week :P 
Hello Deqer 
I watched (well, tried to watch) the Youtube videss of your Q3A mod/map:

It looks really, really bad. Box rooms with box room bot battles. I'm surprised this was released this decade. 
Shambler, I intentionally built it that way.

In old megaman games, you fight against bot in box room. Yes? Well, that's what I tried to follow with this map.

I'm sorry the boxiness bothers you. 
Refresh / Double Post. 
Actually, you can do without ajax. Ajax is nice, but if you want an easier solution, then just add another server-side redirect after a submit action, to the previous page the user was on or whatever. This will prevent the browser from popping up the prompt to Resubmit/Continue. 
I've been out-trolled.

that's how it's been implemented for a long time. Chrome obviously does something clever to remember the last navigation action the user initiated, thereby ignoring redirects in between. 
I'm working on tidying up (and it seems commenting verbosely) my .FGD file for WC 3.3 using Tyranns new utilities with the CZG .FGD that came with Quake Adapter. I've been meaning to do that but never seemed to find the time and it's one of the small annoyances that kept me from playing around with mapping.

I searched both the mapping and coding threads using fgd as a search term but almost all of the related links there were dead so I'm trying to piece together a current .fgd that has all of the vanilla Quake entities (and at least the new entities and flags that Tyranns tools can use) using what I can find online and I keep hitting dead links.

Question #1: Can someone who can read that arcane crap look at it (when it's done) and see if I made any obvious errors either in syntax or code. I'm intentionally making it easy to read and pick out the comments from the code so there is that.

Question #2: When it's done can someone (or someones) give it a test drive on their maps to make sure that it works?

Question #3: Is a heavily commented .FGD (essentially giving examples of how to implement entities) a good idea in the first place?

Question #4: Is anyone interested in hosting such a file? All of the links here on F_M are borked because PQ is now gone.

A lot of it is\will be a straight copy-pasta from CZG's .FGD (and credit will be given of course) which should make it viable from that standpoint, but that one is missing some key entities like trigger_counter and so on (or at least my copy of it is) and comments on usage are pretty much nil.

You can answer here or email me at over at gmail (which has both a dot and a com after it amazingly enough). Please keep the transsexual donkey porn to a minimum. If it's not a tranny on a donkey then I ain't interested. (Rule 34 tells me I probably shouldn't have said that). 
Use The One From TrenchBroom For Now 
It's a slightly updated version of czg's and it even has a func_detail entry, although commented out by default. 
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