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Thanks Everyone 
Wow lots of votes!, but I suspect it will not be enough. The site is heavily dominated by all things HL and MP clones. Voting ends on Sunday, so time will tell. Fingers crossed :) 
your publicity campaign is working; some of the LDs at my office were talking about it yesterday. 
is advertising the way to go for something that's actually good? 
Airquake Map Making 
hi i wil try to give a update in the map supply
i never made a map but i wil try to make one.
i can use some help so if u think we can do some email me
i hope i have all the files i need for this project.
greets raefamiga 
is an anagram of "Am I a fag? Er..." 
Pixel Pimping 
@metlslime, cool I hope they voted! :P
@megaman, well I just wanted to see if I could get a quake MOD into the top 100, the moddb site is usually dominated with other engines and I wanted to draw some attention to quake stuff. There is some amazing maps/mods made and they get very little attention outside of the quake communities, which is a great shame. 
The Harvest Of Secrets 
Long time ago I started a project to find all secrets in quake levels. I decided to use deathmatch mode since there are more shortcuts available. The first project started with Jonathan "the|navigator" Lenhardt as a coop project but eventually I re-did all levels with Aleksander "sidd" Osipov. The resulted project can be downloaded from here:
Sorry for .dz format, folks.

Later I wanted to do it again but in different way. I started the project with Tom "sshplur" Nguyen to speedrun through all levels with set stats from previous ones. Tom said it will never be released because he wants to optimize everything. Well, I guess he has quit quake by now so there is no point to let this fun project to be forgotten. Some demos don't fit as demorelise has not been used on them. So here it comes:

That's all of secrets today. Enjoy. 
Oh Nice to see a fresh bunch of speedrunning demos! What a treat. There were some tricks and routes in there that had me smiling.

Seems like e3m1 was made by Arturo (who also was present in my own blue hell done quick lite)?

Thanks for releasing this and not letting the demos be forgotten. Why not also post this in the SDA forum? 
Hi Mathias 
Hehe not so fresh anymore as these demos are quite old already. Yes, e3m1 was run by Arturo.

I am visiting Rutger in Netherlands and in couple of last days we have recorded 10 demos. Update coming probably next week. 
Made Me Smile, Saga Of A Day On #tf... 
* Your nick is now DerpFUCKNGBler
* Your nick is now Currybler
* Your nick is now FuckingStuffedb
* Your nick is now Spectatobler
* Your nick is now FlamingAnusBler
* Your nick is now Stuffbler
* Your nick is now BoltThrowbler
* Your nick is now Convertingbler
* Your nick is now Showerbler
* Your nick is now Cookingbler
* Your nick is now Pastabler
* Your nick is now Baliswrongbler
I found a great old xmas wad for Doom2.
Seeing that tree burn made my day. 
It's a little tough, so don't leave the house without the shottie. 
* Shamblrrr is now known as Stingyringbler
<onetruepurple> uh huh
<onetruepurple> someone's had curry
<Stingyringbler> yup
<Stingyringbler> proper rancid turd cannon this morning 
I Call This Art 
<Raidenbler> <Spectatebler> <FUCKOFFCUNTbler> <Scrambler> <HerpDerpbler> <Gaymingbler> <SpaceMarDembler> <Fuckzwifflebler> <Snackbler> <Cerealbler> <Left4Bler> <NASLBler> <FarCry2bler> <Behemothbler> <Stirfrybler> <Blaebler> <Shaaambler> <Blerbler> <Shambl[r]> <CupOfTeabler> <DaRksidersbler> <Shamhambler> <Spibler> <Spectat0bler> <Scampiebler_> <IHateMutasbler> <Soupblr> <Saturdaybler> <ManAssbler> <Shaaaaaaaambler> <Sundaybler> <StopRimminbler> <Dafukbler> <Sulkingbler> <Crysisbler> <McMCbler> <Spiritisgaybler> <DeadSpace2bler> <Sausagebler> <Fuckyouczgbler> <CaFrVoBiRebler> <Santabler> <Rapebler> <Gayflubler> <Wankbler> <Shitbler> <Gymbler> <N00bler> <Awakeblr> <Shatbler> <Showerbler> <Spunkbler> <Woteverbler> <Fishandbler> <Cheesebler> <CZG08bler> <Shambler> <Sacrificebler> <Sickbler> <Chillingbler> <DeadSpacebler> <Goatsebler> <SpiderCrabler> <Awakebler> <Antibioticsbler> <Creamsodabler> <DickTouchbler> <Convertingbler> <PAintsbler> <Trollbler> <SoreThroatbler> <SHHHHHHambler> <Chinesebler> <Sadbler> <Shoowerbler> <Stfubler> <AnalTunnelbler> <Shrmbler> <DuckloadShamblr> <Pretzelsbler> <Skyrimbler> <RIMbler> <InstallingDXblR> <Thrashbler> <Angrybler> <negbler> <Spectatorbler> <WotEVAHbler> <Currybler> <Quakebler> <Starbler> <DNBTVLivebler> <Hambler> <FishnChipsbler> <Shittingbler> <Unfbler> <Sleepbler> <Toastbler> <Shambbler> <Shaambler> <Soupbler> <Shartbler> <AdolfShitbler> <Shamcuntbler> <Mehbler> <EGShambler> <Foodbler> <Stuffbler> <Shaaaarghmbler> <Whateverbler> <FuckNegkebler> <rebbbler> <Shmbler> <\Shambler> <Ragebler> <Spambler> <Omlettebler> <Notgymbler> <Scrotebler> <MassBansheebler> <Fishnchipsbler> <Paintingbler> <Dinnerbler> <Snowbler> <Shahambler> <Hatebler> <JPhambLer> <Poolbler> <SpibleR> <SteaminCockbler> <ManFlubler> <morningbler> <Satanbler> <Biryanibler> <Rimmingbler> <FFSBler> <oGs_Shambler> <Liquid^Shambler> <Swimmingbler> <Salamibler> <|||||||||||bler> <S_hamblr> <Crybler> <Singularibler> <Swedensoonbler> <Awfulcuntbler> <Shamebler> <Fuckoffbler> <Slurpbler> <Shamczgbler> <Error16bler> <Spectabler> <Biocockbler> <ShamblR> <Salmonbler> <Laptopbler> <Fuckbler> <Sh_mbler> <CardoIsN000bler> <Fishnbler> <DeusExbler> <Hitbler> <Restoredbler> <Sandwichbler> <Rancidcockbler> <Cookingbler> <Fuckvigilbler> <FMLBler> <Suckbler> <Herebler> <Buttebler> <Spectatobler> <Awaybler> <Alivebler> <Q1SPbler> <Slackbler> <S_hambler> <Cleanbler> <Cuntbler> 
How did you manage to collect all those??


Errr Did You Break Func? 
GG Spirit! 
Quake II Is 15, You Are Old. 
Just My Client's Logs. 
Logging IRC... 
It's like keeping all your used toilet paper. 
You had a perfect opportunity to make a log pun and you shat all over it. 
... But... 
... why is everybody writing in italic ?? 
we're all excited 
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