Didn't Know Shambler Did Performance Art Too
#22050 posted by
Spirit on 2012/08/29 15:56:27
Ah the DNF of mods is still around eh :)
#22055 posted by
nitin on 2012/09/02 16:30:23
yes. I went to the page but they dont have any screenies or info, well none that I could find.
Check This:
#22056 posted by
RickyT33 on 2012/09/02 16:40:27
Every time you refresh the 404 page it gives you a different picture, mostly just jokes, including the 'goatse grub'.
#22057 posted by
necros on 2012/09/02 19:20:55
i think it's the thing with the original hl maps for hl2?
#22058 posted by
DaZ on 2012/09/02 22:30:51
It is Half-Life remade in the source engine. Appears to be very high quality from the trailers and screenshots they have put out over the years.
As others already mentioned, it is the DNF of game mods, they originally posted a release date back in 2009 (heh) but after that came and went the team went quiet and the jokes started pouring in :)
Anyway, it looks very nice. I'll probably do a video series on it for the you of tubes.
Also, Soundtrack
#22059 posted by
DaZ on 2012/09/02 22:36:02
Listened to a few tracks, pretty good stuff actually.
#22060 posted by
Preach on 2012/09/02 23:50:06
Please post a 10 second video review of Black Mesa Source saying "This thing plays like a game from 1998 - thumbs down" thanks bye.
Ok Cool
#22061 posted by
nitin on 2012/09/03 15:49:12
will definitely check it out.
#22063 posted by megmn on 2012/09/05 17:20:30
This thing plays like a game from 1998
In the case of DNF that would have been preferable to what we got :p
Hey Necros
#22065 posted by
negke on 2012/09/05 21:31:28
Care to code some simple brushwork <-> mdl converter? Cool, thanks!
#22066 posted by
Spirit on 2012/09/05 21:41:08
you might be able to do that with noesis, maybe through an intermediate format.
why not just embed bsp files though? what weird stuff are you building again.
#22067 posted by
necros on 2012/09/06 03:00:59
I've been thinking about that, actually, but the way brushes are defined just doesn't make sense to me. But yeah, it'd be really cool to be able to do that.
Are you trying to convert from brushes into a model or a model into brushes?
#22068 posted by
sock on 2012/09/06 10:42:55
Can convert .map files to .obj model files. It copes with detail ok, anything smaller than 1 grid brush scale is broken but otherwise it is perfect for working out the scale of things. The obj file format can be read by most modelling packages.
#22069 posted by
negke on 2012/09/06 19:45:34
Model to brushwork actually. Would that even work? Some trisoup mess, and what about the skin?
Map to model is easier - I once successfully converted my SM spaceship to a model in some awkward procedure. But it was a poor job, because the touching faces were included as well.
It was just a random thought I had while playing Madfox's map, seeing the Gargoyle. Could make for some nice map objects, and help keep a map proper if Drew runs it with Quoth.
Model To Brushwork Actually
#22070 posted by Mike Woodham on 2012/09/06 21:04:29
mdl2map, it definitely existed - see #3884 above. Unfortunately, I cannot find it now. Madfox?
#22071 posted by Mike Woodham on 2012/09/06 21:10:16
#3884 in Mapping Help...
#22072 posted by
necros on 2012/09/06 21:27:41
I was thinking primarily model -> map but only as a means of creating planar stuff like tri-souped terrain, not sealed shapes. You'd basically be making the bsp program over again except in reverse.
#22073 posted by
Spirit on 2012/09/07 19:30:20
proudly announcing a new retexturing project. I have hired a re-owned artist to implement a faithful high resolution wizard.wad texture set.
you have probably seen some of her art recently.
as you can see this is
nothing like the usual fan made replacements but a careful work based on the originals. not only upping the resolution but also adding details you could only guess earlier.