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How do you mean it reboots? Quake crashes?

You could try using AguirRe's later version of the engine, the one in warp was just a rung on the ladder:

You could also try cleaning your config, maybe there's some incompatibility in there. 
Got My Results Back For The 1st Year Of The FD Today 
90, 79, 79 and 75. Buzzing :)

I guess my period of abstinence can be delayed for another week... 

Looks awesome, but I love playing with lego style landscapes. :) 
holy FUCK.

is that actually player built or is it imported somehow? 
dawn, look fantastic...

I love this serie(games of thrones), and already read two books from George Martin 
Wow, if these lego builds are real, these are fantastic !! and I can't even imagine how much time have been required to achieve them :D 
just when you think stuff cant surprise yyou, along comes that!!! That is seriously amazing if its real. If its not, it still looks amazing. 
It's quite real, if you have minecraft you can even jump on the server and explore it yourself.
There's a live map showing what people are doing on the server as well, it's pretty crazy. 
Can't Connect 
Will try later.

I take it Westeros is from Game of Thrones? 
Hm... it's almost worth getting minecraft to see that. 
Westeros is the continent upon which most of Game of Thrones takes place. As the series progresses, more and more of the narrative shifts eastward, to the continent of Essos, but Westeros is the important one. 
Not Quite A Shambler, But.... 
Not A Shambler ?? 
This is a shambler: Come on !! 
this is a shamber for sure!!!

someone copy our beloved shamby 
But They Called It A Vore 
Wow is shut down! 
seems like he should leave it up as an archive rather than tearing the whole thing offline. 
Seems like an emo move. Discontinuing such a site is one thing, but undoing all the work just like that? Guess Spirit will do the same some day!!! 
Spirit Doing An Emo Move??? 
he is mortal, so there's that.

plus his fanaticism has served us all rather well.

plus, applying earthly shit... that's not a shambler, it's a retard's idea of one. it's not hard to notice the cubic area of mouth versus stomach! what ARE we reptiles! 
Even if spirit someday abandon the site and doesn't reply to anyone(I don�t believe it...), lots of us got all the maps in hard drive... there will be no file lost for sure!
Only the ton�s of work in the html with pics and all the hard work that have been made something life FOREVER!
But that will not happened, I�m pretty sure about that� 
What Happened To Planetphilippe? 
Did he visit #tf or something? 
only if I take another movie recommendation by negke!!!

as I said in #tf, I can understand Phillip being burned out (i admired all the projects he has and often felt stressed just thinking about emulating some of them for quake). he and I both seem to be of the "a gazillion of interests and projects" kind with the difference that I mostly do not finish/publish mine and thus quit rather easily early on.

what I feel very negative about is Phillip taking down everything. a lot of the content were comments and ratings. ethically those belong to their creators. a static dump would have been nice. I rely a lot on other people's work (hi!ke). but then we don't know what he is going through and come on, a person's well bring is more important than any stupid game zealousy.

quaddicted's files are easy to mirror by design.

I would be pissed if someone would try to use that to rival quaddicted but saving gaming history is more important than some silly THERE ARE MY FILES!!! attitude.

ps: I am still worrying about how all the old news posts and comments at quaddicted are not transferred to the new site... D: 
Oh And 
if YOU have a considerable mod collection (more/other than the big published archives) please shout. also if you think you know how to organise and categorise them (one big directory and tags?).

not interested in darkplaces mods/games and neither in the phantom menace. 
Re #21856 
Dun Dun Dun Another one bites the Daz 
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