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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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Some Amazing Outdoors 
Awesome Lego Spaceships / Mechs 
2 More :) 
That Takes Me Back 
To hammering the blocks together and hunting around for the last sloped one needed to finish the masterpiece. 
I Love This! 
Friend showed me this stuff. Never heard of it before but it looks cool and chunky:

Brutalist Architecture 
That Reminds Me... 
This guy does great architectural photo collages 
Very cool. 
Very Cool Indeed. 
Have an example from my own city:

Old train station, been since demolished and rebuilt in the typical 21st century glass-and-concrete "style". Probably for the best, though, since it literally smelled like piss. 
I can appreciate the aesthetic.
But concrete doesn't hold up very well in wet/cold climates.

I really like Ando Tadao, though he's less constructivist and more minimal. 
I think brutalist architecture probably works better in quake than the real world :-) (can't stand it, myself) 
Reminds Me Of 
worth a try
That Legitimately Owns 
Wow Nice 
I love it! 
weird texturin but lovely looking overall. 
Brutalist Related 
Somewhere In JP 
Looks Like A Map!! 
Some Hidef Skins Ive Made 
stays true to the original skins 
Actually look pretty nice. The blue is an unusual choice.

Is it a multi-mod pack? I can see Wraiths, Gremlins, Vomitii, Night Gaunt and the Qtest core, as well as some magician I don't recognize...

Just realized the background is redone as well, how extensive is the whole set? 
Great stuff! 
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