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<-kiss It Is My Way Of Saying I Love You :> 
I don't shave my head. 
<- 00rt 
get it right, fucker 
<- 00rt For Real This Time 
dm3rmx by thannerz -

got a dm7rmx vid done also, will be up tomorrow probably. 
video was cool. You absolutely breezed through that.

It plays much better in Quoth because you only get 2 cells per enforcer, which means the latter half of the map is much more of a challenge.

Also, the early 3 Shambler ambush was designed to scare the player into running forward, but it didn't work right :/ I think I should have made hard properly hard, but I added too much ammo at the end.

Oh well!

Looking forward to the dm7rmx one. 

I Prefer "ello Treacle" 
delivered in a gravelly cockney accent. 
That RA Stairs Room 
has fantastic gameplay! 
Nice Video Dranz 
have to agree with commenter #2 though - some occasional commentary might be nice. 
Just when I think I've got a format that works for Quake videos :)

Might give full commentary a go then and see how it works. While I'm posting, what are everyone's thoughts on the motion blur in this video?
For comparison: (motion blur) (no motion blur)

I use no motion blur in my half-life videos, but I find that it works quite nicely in Quake. I really notice the 30fps limit in Quake videos and the motion blur helps disguise it somewhat.

I know Spirit hates it :) Just curious what others think. 
err at not displaying the weapon and ammo bar :p 
Is It *really* Needed? :P 
I would hide all the ui but I suppose its nice to see my health as I play. 
Commentary may be nice on rare occasions, but I find it generally annoying in many playthrough videos (sometimes extremely so, especially if it's an on-the-fly one), and therefore suggest against it.

I dislike motion blue and always turn it off in games. Quake videos in particular do not benefit from it. Quite the contrary - it looks more like bad compression. I'm all for keeping it clean. 
I Found The Motion Blur 
quite distracting.

Re commentary: I would also prefer occasional comments about noteworthy things, like great architecture, lighting or outstanding combat situations. But only if they give additional insights. So definitely not on-the-fly commentary.

I think maybe what I want requires a different kind of video, kind of like a video review with in-depth analysis of the map's gameplay mechanics. I would be very interested in that, but I realize that it would be very time consuming. 
I just tried hitting the upvote button on sleepy's post. totally agree. might be nice to say "in this next room the author blah blah", maybe with some notarget noclip playthrough, and then "let's see how I manage it".

I do like first-run commentary where the player vocalises his feelings, impressions or explains his reactions. "die, you fucking fuck dog, Fuck!" gets boring really fast. I can't stand commentary where they swear all the time. 
and I don't need HUD - prefer it off for playthroughs, I think. 
but health and ammo display is important! you would not know why someone is retreating or wasting ammo otherwise. imo playthroughs should show exactly what the player himself saw/sees. 
upvoting Spirit right back! 
stop using highres textures too please. 
Fair Enough. 
and upvote scampie 
Keep HUD. 
I love seeing Daz somehow scrape through with 1% health as usual. 
HUD: Yes please.
Hi-res: No please.
Motion blur: No please.
"ello guys": Yes please. 
Read #tf Noob 
Vid is set to private :) 
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