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So download any shit that you need right now! Mainly for archival purposes I guess, there's probably a Quake related file or two on FP that hasn't been mirrored. 
you sir are a golden god, I didn't think to look in our community's wonderful q1 archives 
willem managed to get the original files off of rorshach for uploading. they actually were completely unavailable at that point. 
I wrote a script and am coordinating an attempt to mirror. See 
btw, speaking of hh3, I found this video while googling :D 
"This video contains content from UMG, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds."

Fuck UMG. 
that regional blocking is such bullshit. There's a way around it (have yet to install this on my new PC), but I disagree with it on principal. It's the internet, or at least, it still is now. Regional blocking is kind of like Iran trying to make its own internet, regionally-blocking the entire real internet (lol at the authoritarian futility of this). 
Get Proxtube 
stop using the fucking music industries content and use properly free content instead :)) 
I doubt many users are aware of the fact that the use of mainstream music in Youtube videos is problematic in certain countries with their specific copyright collectives. And even if they did, most probably wouldn't care, anyway - after all, why use some shitty linux tune when you can have your video with kickass nu-metal in the background???? 
I wish YT would just disable the audio track in such cases instead of blocking the videos entirely. Uneconomic? Might require too much technical effort for little gain. 
There is a lot of awesome free music, just because you don't care/know does not mean it does not exist. This has nothing to do with Linux, you Shambler.

The usage of copyrighted music with no licenses that allows free use IS problematic anywhere. Have fun playing Q3 movies on some event and have the GEMA poop all over the place. 
Fyi, I Was Joking 
You readily fell into my trap. 
Long Post Sorry 
most films need financial backers to be produced, so paying for them is reasonable; I saw TDK 3x in theatres, spending over $50. I had no problem downloading it when it came out, I already owned BB and I spent $50 on it already. I'll get the inevitable trilogy when they release it. I feel like trusting people to pay for things, is really an OK idea.

Music on the other hand, I hope is always free, record labels have done nothing but corrupt the "product" and they're the scum of the earth. Good music can be produced for nothing and WILL BE. I'll pay to go to a live show of a good band (not a fucking hologram so we can all be a live audience to a youtube video), record labels aren't necessary any more and the free market dictates they disappear. Free market arguments for corporations controlling government grants and laws are really infuriating. 
Negkekekeke :( 
5 million years later... i found a backup of ne_tower's .map source (i thought i had lost it) so i put that up for download:

nothing really amazing in there, and the terrain is actually butt ugly when you see it in the editor. man was i lazy. 
Yeah and you already explained the corpse drag :p 
heh yeah... dunno, just figured i may as well. ne_doom and ne_lend sources are up too now. 
I love rummaging through other people's source files, always gives me a chance to learn new tricks and layouts. Thanks :) 
The Terrain? 
First thing I noticed was unaligned wizmet1_2, damnit. Consider this your yellow card!!!

Tip: You can save some lightmaps by increasing the texture scale on larger trigger volumes to some high value. 
is a texture alignment nazi. Seriously, he spots EVERYTHING... even stuff you have aligned to the limits your editor will allow. If it's 1 pixel off, Negke won't be happy with you.

I tried to appease him, but alas, there are still some incredibly tiny misalignments in my map. 
I am pretty sure that's why he shaves his head. He could not live with one stray hair ruining the perfect look. 
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