Did It Write A Bsp?
#2146 posted by ericw on 2016/05/29 20:01:01
I normally get warnings with wine.. although not malloc errors. It looks like it succeeded though.
Every q1/q2/q3 compile tool I've tried has worked in wine, fwiw.
Hmm, It Did, But...
#2147 posted by okaybenji on 2016/05/30 16:35:29
Yes, it created a BSP, but every time I try to load that BSP in Quake 2 I get the error: "Couldn't find spawn point"
My map is just a small, closed box with info_player_start and a railgun inside of it. For good measure I've tried throwing in an info_player_deathmatch as well. *shrug*
The Sun
#2148 posted by okaybenji on 2016/05/30 16:47:25
I successfully compiled the included thesun.map and loaded it in the game, so the compiler is working! Just need to learn how to make Quake 2 maps I guess, haha.
I have managed to build and play a map for Quake 1. Loving TrenchBroom!
#2149 posted by okaybenji on 2016/05/30 23:31:49
Ahh, I got it working! Was just doing something stupid. Thanks for the help, total_newbie and ericw. And thanks for the great app, SleepwalkR!
Splitting TB Into Two Windows?
Is it possible to split one instance of TB into two windows, so that when you have more than one monitor, you can e.g. move the 3d view onto one monitor and have the map/entity/face browser on the other monitor?
If not, is it worth a feature request on github, or is it the kind of thing that's not likely to be implemented?
No, Not Yet
There already is a request for this on github somewhere, but it's not very high on my priority list right now.
Fair enough. Thank you for responding.
+4096 Limits/ Clear World Coordinates
The +-4096 limits are not displayed anywhere in TB (yet), are they?
I just opened a map I'd been working on under TB in Netradiant, and saw how it displays clear boundaries at the +-4096 points (and at multiples of 512 when you zoom in closer) -- generally the coordinates on the grid make it clear where everything is in the world.
This would be tremendously useful in TB. I was a little shocked to see how close some of my brushes were to the limit (the map is a little lopsided rather than huge) and I wish I could see this in TB without needing a second editor.
Or does TB already show it somehow?
I created a map that shows the boundaries in Trenchbroom. I basically map inside a giant hollow brush... once I am ready to seal the map I delete the hollow brush and get to work.
Thanks for the tip. You mean six large flat brushes that enclose the map in a cube, all 4096 x 4096 x [some small number], and positioned along the +-4096 edges of the world? That's not a bad idea as a workaround, but could you even create that cube in TrenchBroom? It would seem that you'd need a different editor that shows you where the +-4096 edges are so that you could line up the cube correctly (I mean, even if it's doable within TB, it sounds like it would be rather finicky).
In any case, while that's probably a good workaround, it really shouldn't be necessary to need a workaround -- and potentially a second editor to implement it.
But thank you again for the tip!
I made my hollow cube entirely in trenchbroom actually. Didn't take me long either.
"TrenchBroom_Mac_1.1.6_2759.zip" is the TB2 beta?
#2160 posted by Joel B on 2016/06/22 23:59:50
I forget down for look more :P
#2162 posted by anonymous user on 2016/07/01 00:03:14
how do for playing file .map?
What A Shambles
#2164 posted by Sham on 2016/07/04 20:32:16
Is there another 3D editor available for quake?
Due to how incredibly buggy TrenchBroom is I spend more time trying to work around the bugs (hello non-integer's) and unexpected behaviours than I do actually mapping. There's also the worry that my maps might not open the next time I try to work on them.
It's quite frightening how old Quake is (happy 20th btw <3) and yet afaik there's still no modern, stable editor. I realise this may come across as whining however I can't help but wonder how active this community would be if Quake's tools and resources we're even remotely up-to-date.
#2165 posted by Kinn on 2016/07/04 20:43:03
Is there another 3D editor available for quake?
No. Before 2013 we all used notepad.exe
Can't you just use notepad like the pros?
#2166 posted by Kinn on 2016/07/04 20:48:31
...and I realise I may be responding to a low-effort troll post, in which case jokes on me I guess
It Can Be Frustrating, BUT...
#2167 posted by xaGe on 2016/07/04 22:33:23
Contributing your bug reports and explaining your issues to the project instead of wasting time and effort on whining would eventually help make it more stable and bug free.
#2169 posted by Sham on 2016/07/04 23:21:10
>Is there another 3D editor available for quake?
Thank you.
I was inspired to return to Quake mapping a few times but regressing to 2D editing is very off-putting and I haven't got the patience/time to wrestle with buggy software.
Sure, unfortunately most of my bugs are already open on the issue tracker (and some are years old). The rest are enhancements and usablity fixes but it's not worthwhile suggesting features currently.
Just discovered NetRadiant, gonna try it out in the meantime. Thanks
Which Version Are You Using?
And where are these issue reports? Please paste some links and I'll see what I can do about them.