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I have seen it tried in several other companies but it always fails because people are initially uneasy with the notion of just doing something creative on their own initiative

Maybe if you have boring/conditioned people to start with. What Valve seems to be doing is making sure to gather a critical mass of untethered creative/skilled people that will act as a magnet and attract even more awesome people.

The interesting part then is how much stays in R&D and how much they manage to turn into business. Would be nice if they manage to make it work long term instead of becoming a new Xerox PARC from the 70s. 
Shambler Thing. 
Very cool, actually captures the raw brutality of teh smabler. I'd prefer it to be a bit more angular though. 
Quake On Steam 
A question for those who own Quake on Steam: is it already patched to version 1.06? You can test this by trying if impulse 10 and 12 work (weapon change). 
In the lower right corner of the console, running quake.exe that comes with steam, it identifies as 1.09 (and yes, those impulse commands work).

It should be noted that the .exe files included by steam (quake.exe, winquake.exe, glquake.exe, qwcl.exe glqwcl.exe) all must be started through steam as some part of steam DRM is imbedded within them... but nothing stops you from replacing those .exe files or using a modern Quake engine as all the other files required by Quake are just fine and dandy. 
i can't believe they went out of their way to put drm into those old executables.
the fact that other engines are available to replace them just makes it an even bigger waste of time. :\
i guess they didn't want to set a precedent where one game was convenient to start. (it still annoys me i have to turn on steam to play civ5) 
Thanks for checking. It's safe to assume the progs.dat is 1.06 then if it has impulse 12. 1.09 is the version of Glquake, though - it's always there. Shame about the DRM. 
like I said, I myself just copied the contents for the directory steam made when I downloaded it, and put everything into c:\quake\, like god intended, and just use quakespasm.. and if I really wanted to, I could download winquake or glquake from wherever and just replace the .exes 
Yeah, I use the Steam Quake install with my Quakespasm EXE and it works fine. 
"* Still 4 months of 2011 left. "

Drm Is Just Their Expression Of Their Creative Urges 
This Thread... 
... is a spam target :P 
Cheers, thanks for the note about the short story collection - looking forward to checking out your writing! 
Glad To Hear You're Interested & Hope You Enjoy It! 
"An Example to the Men" I think is my best conventional story (with a reader-enticing arc, etc), but if you're into scifi "Thought Process" (not by me) is one of the best in there. PS I feel like the title story could be taken in a purely negative, paranoid way, but there's supposed to be some humour in it too. heh. 
too much beer = me posting this and the spreading the word. Was couple months back.. the guitar has a big crack in it and 5 strings. But I still spank the shit out of that bitch.

Every day. 
It Has 6 Mow. The Injuries Happened Post Video. 
Re-engage brain.

What I mean to say is that the guitar had 6 stings in the video, but I since butchered the crap out of it, and it now has 5 strings. But I am still playing it. I recently learned Video Games by Lana Del Ray and Pumped Up Kicks by Foster The People. With a Fucked. Knackered, Piece. Of. Shit. Guitar. In the key of D minor, i.e DADGBE. Or DAGDB as the case may be. That is all. 
this thread is a spam target. 
Well HEH 
if "anything fucked up will be accepted here" is the last bastion of the community's olympian flame - I say, so be it..the individual stages may be interesting and so forth! 
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