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Were you successful? 
Thanks Spirit! 
not quite according to plan.

The plan was to go up Gokyo valley, cross Cho La pass and then go up Everest valley to EBC. But it snowed heavily while we were in Gokyo and Cho La became very risky to cross. We went around a mountain to get to Everest valley but that took a fair bit of time and because of being on a schedule, I didnt have time to then go up to EBC.

But, did climb Gokyo Ri, which is only 4m shorter than EBC's height, and the panoramic views of the Himalayas from there, including Everest, were stunning. 
Envious I Am 
So you "only" wanted to go to base camp? Are you planning to get to the summit eventually? Also, any pictures?

I love mountain climbing, but of course I'm not even remotely fit enough to do one of the big ones. In fact, it's been years since I have done it... but the view and the feeling of accomplishment when you reach a summit is unparalleled. Btw, I was just in Shanghai last week for a conference, so I wasn't that far away from you ;-). 
Plenty Of Pics 
need to sort them out first though. Will let you know when that's done.

No plans to summit Everest, that's crazy stuff :)

I can trek but climbing is a whole other level. Have summited a few by trekking, Gokyo Ri being the highest at 5360m. Kili would have been but I didnt quite make it to the top (got to around 5200m when the fast ascent started giving me momentary blackouts). 
There was death metal fest METAL MAYHEM IV in Jwalakhel, Nepal 17 March. And there was Napalm Death playing, did you visit that? :D I'd sell my left hand to be on a ND gig in Nepal :D 
no, I was trekking in the snow then. 
Epic fail on the Napalm Death In Nepal front, dear me, Von can you ban him from fucn? 
Cuz Zwiffle Asked 
I think it would be best if the upload script at Quaketastic disallowed uploading to the root folder (= hide the "\" entry in the pulldown menu). For every now and then people forget to set it right or fail to realize/care there's a difference, which makes the index messy and creates unnecessary admin work for you. 
Good suggestion, I'll look into that. I think you're right... 
After seeing screenshots of your map I grew a fried gamba with my pipemap.
Your example is great to start again in Radiant as Quark leaves me no oppertunity. 
lol what's a fried gamba?
We should start a QuArK anonymous club. I tried quitting it a year ago, but I have everything set up just right for my current project so it's hard to stop and learn a new editor. 
never try to understand the MadFox, it's like staring into the sun. 
Tower Of Shrakith'a (Unreal) Review 
Yhe1's earlier post about this Unreal SP level reminded me that I needed to get off my butt and actually review it. For those interested; 
Never Try To Understand Fried Gamba's, They're Like Scampies. 
We were talking about the meaning of nicknames and scampies declared it were fried prawns.
I may be mad but I rarely stare into the sun without glasses.
Thanks for the pipe manual though.

I'm on quark since the first qmap, and that's 15 years ago now.
Its a fine editor I'm acustomed to.
Tried many others untill there was QRadiant.
One slice into a polygone and I had a clear half one on grid.
Sharp! Gone were my leakcheqes ans warnings.
From now I take all the hussle and make it my own. 
I really ought to move on to a different editor.

i took a quick look but couldn't really make sense of it at first glance.
i picked up 1.02 (the enclave version).

czg, maybe you can weigh in and let us know what the more interesting features it has? good tex align? better brush manip of some sort? 
Had a good session in OpenCanvas with a friend today and we did the following drawings together. They're comic-representations of ourselves, Tam & Micki! where we usually reference various games;

TAM & Micki! goes S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
TAM & Micki! goes RAGE
TAM & Micki! goes APB 
fiends insta-killing/gibbing you when they land on your head - bug or feature? 
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