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Only 4 left in stock! Wait... make that 3! 
Bought One 
Knowing Borasto, I'm sure it's good! 
I read just one of the intro pages (since they give you a sample there) and I was sold. As if it wasn't enough that it's a book by Borsato!)

I'm really looking forward to some sage advice from Mr Kremers! 
somehow shambler's blog seems to crosspost to func 
Damn That Britt 
lover of gucci bags.... 
Wow you are hard person to contact, your email address here at func is a dead end (I suspect most email address listed here are dead) and none of your Q1 maps have an email address in the readme file!?!

I am getting the impression you don't like contact from other people! :) 
I am fairly sure the func profile one is correct. 
He's on IRC sometimes... ;D 
That's a crazy place with cardO! and hello Bal, join the rest of the planet on Facebook!?! I want to see what you are up too! :P 
First World Mapper Problems: 
Light takes so long that by the time it's done, I've fucked with so many other things that I have to run lite again. 
Are you running a multi threaded light prog? :) 
using -threads 2 actually ADDS 6 seconds of compile time.

Also, it was a semi-joke, it's only 3 minutes with -extra... I just can't stop fucking with things. 
The Tower Of Shrakith'a.... 
I am stuck on the first level of the old unreal mappack The Tower of Shrakith'a, I got the Nali's key that is supposed to open the balcony, but I can't find where the balcony is. The gameplay videos I found were precisely missing this section. Thanks. 
Tower Of Shakira? 
Try looking for multiple ledges to jump on. I haven't played it but a balcony implies height on an outside surface. 
Try check the upper floors of the cartographer's place. It's the building in front of you after exiting the first house, just after the archway. There's an iron gate leading to a balcony there. 
Thanks, got it 
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