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I Played A Czg Map 
...and found 0/7 secrets, fuck you czg! 
Sweet Lookin Map! 
@Daz, I love it when you do a video play through of a quake map, fantastic idea, keep do them! :)

That map looks awesome, feels very cramped with the low arches and most of the combat seems to play with that design. It is interesting the final battle is spawn waves, feels very similar to the map included with rubicon2. Locked in a small space with tons of mobs. Never knew about this map, will have to check it out later! 
Can I read Shambler's reviews of old Unreal levels somewhere? or are they gone for good? 
Februus Depth... 
when I played it however long ago it was, I thought it was made by Vondur. 
... indeed :D 
Nice One Daz! 
Please keep those video playthroughs coming, was a good watch. Watched a bit of you and Cardo's Portal coop too, definitely get my vote as a less squeally Quakey version of Yogscast! 
Might be interesting for anyone involved in games business. 
I saw that yesterday and he certainly has a good point because I love the fact I can be mobile anyway and play games. Especially on planes for long flights. 
The Living End by Necros -

Shit me this is good! 
Consider Yourself Shat 
Thanks for the video :) 
I'd Forgotten 
How good this one was.

Maybe it's just not noticing all the almost subliminal details whilst playing it. 
so big O_O 
weird, i missed your post daz. thanks for the kind words!

i remember something about that scripted area... there are 4 doors that open up there, but the majority of the monsters are behind the doors that had no marking (the other two doors have that statue texture).
i wanted the player to be staring at those statue textured doors ready for monsters to pour out, only for the monsters to actually come out right behind them.
i'm evil. ^_^

also, it's funny but i've always had trouble getting players to stay on my platform rides. they always push the button and then either get off or don't get on at all! i think i design things that look more like traps or something instead of rides. :P 
also, it's funny but i've always had trouble getting players to stay on my platform rides.

Yes I ballsed up every button operated lift in the map :P

I think the problem is that the buttons are too far away from the actual platforms and there isn't enough wait before the platform starts to move. I was also unsure what the button did before I pushed it which is why I missed all the platforms the first time around :) There was nothing connecting the two visually and they were quite far apart, it also wasn't obvious that the platforms were actually moving parts before you pushed the button :D

The other small gripe I had was the long run back to where you were after getting the RL secret, having to ride both the slow lifts again and walk a bunch wasn't very fun, add a teleporter next time :D

Bloody good map. 
Where is that sound scripted sequence? I didn't notice it in the playthrough.

To be honest, when watching the video, the map didn't seem that bloody good to me, which is not to say I think it's bad, of course. The lava ambience is cool, and the level flows around the central pool nicely, but there's something about the architecture and style (textures?) of the rooms that felt somewhat off to me. Maybe it was just something from the video and the brighness filter? Dunno. 
Starts At 8:08 
in the vid. 
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! 
So, Yes ! 
Guiness for the breakfast !! 
Ambush Ninja 
@Daz, as always it was really cool to watch you play a map. :) I often felt the tension as you stopped and looked over a ledge wondering if it was safe to drop down for stuff. The map felt like a constant ambush to me and IMHO made the flow through the map too cautious.

@necros, your lifts look like traps, especially in that map. I think you used the 'ambush' idea too much and made people nervous about trying stuff. There were several rooms where it was just player being chased around by armies of knights. I did not feel there was much variety of encounter styles. I liked the idea of the 'show and tell' with the big teleporter in the middle of the lava but I think the map could of had more interaction with the middle. 
Totally Quake Related: 
oh ricky, be nice to the creator and don't link some shitty re-uploading wanker asshole next time.

Here is the original URL: 
He does a (comedy) rant channel on youtube, very funny. I saw the one recently about ME3, priceless! 
A Book By Borsato 
Not sure if this has been posted before but here's a book by one of our old buddies: 
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