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I Think I Can Hear 
...the sound of someone doing more with their life than I am.

Good luck, and watch out for Yetis (Smablers) - but at least you'll have the advantage as I bet you're the only one amongst your group who knows the shambler shuffle. 
I have always sucked at the shambler shuffle so no advantage.

starbuck, hoping to do better than my kiliminjaro attempt from a few weeks ago where I had to stop about 500m from the summit due to altitiude sickness. But more time this time so fingers crossed. 
Good Luck Nitin 
And take care! 
SDL Compatibility 
I would appreciate very much if you engine creators could get together some time and decide on a common version of the SDL libraries, so one doesn't have to switch them around when using several ports along each other. Quakespasm, RMQ, DP, Fitz etc. 
Or if it's not a problem with SDL, then check the other libraries, eg. for ogg and png support etc. 
yeah, it's extremely annoying. :\
there is a workaround if you create batch files for each engine in your /quake folder, then make a folder for each engine. 
Sdl Versions 
It's not possible to just use the latest vision with all engines? 
Or Just Statically Link It 
L4D With Sharks? 
GUI Conventions... 
So I have a text box where the user has to enter some text in...
but they can't put any spaces or weirdo characters.

Should I:
- Make weirdo characters not type anything at all (so user presses 'space' but nothing is typed)
- Color the text red (or something like that) to show that the text is wrong (but otherwise, allow them to type it and only complain when the user tries to save)
- Say nothing at all until the user goes to save and then complain about it with a dialog box or something like that (i personally am not a fan of this method) 
Uh, That Was Me /\ 
GUI Conventions... 
The whole app should crash and give some mysterious hard to understand error when the user saves, and then require to retype the whole thing in.

Characters not showing up is maybe the simplest, you still need a reminder above it so the user understands why. 
I guess it's hard to protect your program against users pasting those funny characters rather than typing?

Windows already uses (at least?) 2 different conventions:

- the standard "save as"-box validates the file name when you press the "save" button, not while typing.

- if you try to rename a file in explorer and type or paste funny chars (like *), it won't accept the input, and will display a nice warning popup. 
I Think That The Best Way Of Doing It 
Would be to allow the user to type what they want, then when they send the form (so to speak), show them a message which says something like "Please enter only standard characters, i.e. a-Z, 1-9, and no spaces" in red text, next to the entry field. 
oh yuck, thanks for mentioning that. pasting characters was being allowed through. :S

there's no room in the gui to add text next to the entry area (although i like that, like on online forms).

i think i'll have to settle for turning the text red and adding a tooltip explaining the error?
but i don't know if it's reasonable to expect a user to know to mouse over it... 
I Agree 
Ghd Fthagn Tralala 
Metall slime why do you not ban the IP and delete all the users ? 
Here Goes 
now bots can talk 
it's not a consistent IP, i checked the last 50 spams and the IP changes almost every day. 
If username contains linseo, redirect to page with Quake question. 
Bal: You Had Any Involvement In This? 
Didn't see any triangular lights but you're working at quantic dream, right? 
Yeah, I worked a bit on it, but it was actually almost finished when I joined Quantic Dream, the video is about 1,5 years old, Sony sat on it for all that time for silly marketing reasons.
I did the heart segment, and some cleanup on various pieces of the character. 
1 post not shown on this page because it was spam
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