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Netquake And Coop 
Now the speed at which we connect to the internet is much faster than when Quake was released, is netquake viable foor coop?

I will personally always add coop support to my maps regardless of how many people play. Compared to building the map in the first place, adding coop support is trivial.

Would be awesome if some modern engine like Fitzquake/QuakeSpasm supported a modified QW protocol for coop :) Guess that would be a lot of work :/ 
Don't See 
Why not.

I've been toying with the idea of making a much more complete coop mode as well.

Having players respawn nearby to each other, changes to the rules for collecting keys and so on.

Making it more friendly to play and less likely to break, basically. 
The base coop support should be built into the engine so that all SP mods can be supported. Is that possible?

I had lots of ideas for making maps work better in coop mode, such as unlocking weapon cabinets and teleporters in the start area as the players get weapons and enter new areas. If that could just be done in an engine mod that allows the server or players to configure how much assistance to give them, along with perhaps a few extra settings to increase enemy health or whatever to make coop harder it would be pretty awesome. 
Sort of, but we'd be doing it under our own qc base, so unsupported entities would get lost.

We did include wrappers and so on for backwards compatibility to Quoth and Nehahra, but this essentially converts a map to RMQ.

More complex trigger mechanisms and so on will differ and be hard to translate - they have to be recreated from scratch - so we wouldn't want to shift dev focus that much.

The RMQ codebase has migrated a great distance from id1 and is full of dependencies now - damage calls etc. all carry additional information, making using only part of the code, or turning some of it off, complex. 
Race To The End 
Sometimes a couple friends and I play "race to the end" coop. The winner is the one who jumps through the teleporter first. Combines SP and coop monster fighting, DM, speed, and yet plenty of camping. All laptops over a wireless router. Even one atom netbook. Lag is not a problem but sometimes a wait to sign on. 
Quake Setup Tutorial 
I made a video that describes how to get Quake setup with a modern engine and how to install and play maps and mods, etc. It's focused on new and returning players so doesn't go into extreme detail on the subjects covered, it just provides enough info to get them going with little to no fuss. So if you know anyone that wanted to get into Quake but found it all too confusing then this might be just the ticket for them :) 
and huge thanks for Spirit and Negke for helping me put this together! They suggested so many good changes and additions and made the video 100% better than it was initially, thanks guys :) 
- Install Quake via Steam
- Copy FitzQuake.exe into that folder
- Double click.

Metl I Love You But 
Quakespasm is the engine to use. 
Back From Tanzania 
and I see only negke obliged with a map :)

Time to start downloading. 
Actually No 
looks like Lun put one out too! 
ATTN: Tronyn 
I've been trying to contact you via email for a little while now, but it isn't seeming to work -- possibly because you have no active email, possibly because I can't find it, possibly because you thought it was spam. If you could, try emailing me at -- it's sort of important!

Also: hi ijed! I'm tossing around the thoughts of sending you the prologue as written so far, send me an email if you're interested. 
Q1 Coop 
Been playing through the original Quake levels with a friend, since it's been a long time I last played through them. However, I've noticed several instances of z-fighting and we're both pretty sure those were never there before. Some are just too obvious to have been overlooked during past sessions. Using Fitz. 
Z-Fighting doesn't show in the software renderer; it only became a visible issue once OpenGL rendering was introduced. The maps weren't designed with that in mind.

...though one could argue that even if this had been known at the time of development, they probably wouldn't have bothered to avoid it anyway. 
That explains it then, cheers for the fast response! 
Double Post 
... now that I think about it, I might need to be careful about mentioning z-fighting issues in my reviews of older user maps as negatives, since it's most likely a similar situation. Good thing I brought this up... D: 
Send it over. 
Is anyone here a Javascript genius? I want something like but for all the mappers in a huge vertical graph. With each release showing an icon depending on the rating. And with the mouseover showing the brief description and a screenshot and link to the proper page. Someone do this! 
Http:// It Sucks 
What Happens 
When you fill up on caffeine and amphetamines and play L4D. 
"I'm not dead, I'm incapacitated... ok, now I'm dead." 
Off Again 
trying my luck at everest base camp this time.

Expect more maps on my return :) 
For Real? 
Good luck! That's awesome. See if a sherpa will just piggyback you up there. 
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