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Although I Should Add 
it's only more effective in straight lines. you can't jump round a corner in q2, which is where q1 physics quirks prevail :) 
Alright peeps, off to tanazania. I expect some releases in my absence :) 
Bunny hopping != strafe jumping (: 
i'll stick my hands up and say i don't know what the difference is :Z 
Bunnyhopping is just repeated strafejumping, using the initial maintenance of increased speed when you first hit the ground after a jump. 
Bunny hopping: Holding a strafe button only and turning to get air control (and some accel)

Strafe jumping: Holding strafe and forward and holding the mouse at the right angle to accelerate.

Perhaps I should say air control then :p

Only game that truly has both is CPMA. 
never been able to perform neither BH nor SJ

maybe i'm just suck 
Bunny hopping: Holding a strafe button only and turning to get air control (and some accel)

Strafe jumping: Holding strafe and forward to accelerate.

Circle jumping: Holding strafe and forward and moving the mouse at the right speed the correct angle to accelerate even more (only works for the first jump). 
In Quake 1, monkeying around in the air makes you go faster than pure strafe jumping. Basically turning = acceleration. Q1 bunny = using air control to accelerate, switching strafe/turn direction in midair. Netquake requires you to use the Forward key as well.

In Q2/Q3 it's more of a continuous strafing as far as I remember, changing strafe only occasionally to keep your general direction.

Technically a strafe jump is any jump where you strafe while in the air, though.

The term bunny hop just means hopping repeatedly, I think. 
The term bunny hop just means hopping repeatedly, I think.
It does now when people talk about games like CoD or Halo where people just bounce for no reason.

In Quake/oldie Half-Life and TFC/CPMA/Warsow it is a specific combination of mouse movement holding a strafe button into the turn to maintain speed through corners.

Also the air control in Painkiller is nothing like it either really. S'why PK's movement sucks :P 
Fresh Reviews By Tronyn 
Thanks For The Review Tronyn 
U are too kind :) 
Daz Is Now In 3D! ;) 
My Life Is Complete 
The Altar Of Storms 
By Necros

Awesome atmosphere, forgot how great this map was :) Thx Necros! 
thanks for the playthrough! :)
i'm glad i put in that anti-death system... saved you twice against those shamblers. ^_^; 

I thought I was just the luckiest guy in the universe :P

<Daz_> does ne_ruins have some strange thing where you cannot die or something? I got hit down to 1hp on two different occasions and was amazed I survived :)
<worktore_> The answer to that question is necros.
<Daz_> well that was very illuminating
<Daz_> :D
<worktore_> I can personally guarantee that it is possible to die in ne_ruins. :\
<Daz_> I must have been the luckiest guy in the world then, twice, on the same run :D
<Daz_> fuck the odds, I am awesome
<worktore_> Add sunglasses. All skill!
<worktore_> ...
<Shitbler> daz when i've watched your demos you do seem to have some sort of innate survival talent
<Shitbler> combined with a general air of unobservant spastication that makes it all the more impressive 
combined with a general air of unobservant spastication that makes it all the more impressive

i know he was talking about you blazing past secrets (i laughed a couple of times at obvious misses), but ironically, i like that you play the maps in your playthroughs in a slow way where you look at the rooms before moving on. i prefer that in a playthrough instead of those ones where the guy doing it just seems to be trying to get it over with as fast as possible (or just jumps all the time or something equally annoying).

i won't go into too much detail about the damage avoidance stuff, but the idea is that if you died in a 'wimpy' way, you are saved but if you got owned, then you get owned (nor does it stop you blowing yourself up).

i know it's kind of an easy mode thing, but i liked that it kept things moving for the player and it just feels cheap stubbing your toe and falling over dead, you know? ;)
and of course, it makes things a bit more lenient for me when balancing the map... i won't deny that. :)
i'd actually say the system is a bit too lenient in ne_ruins... and i might disable it in nightmare (or hard?) next time. 
Anti-death System 
That was a good thing in a map full of tarbabies, for sure. 
Are the bane of my life, basicly :) I like to find as many as I can in my runs, for completions sake, but usually I give up after a few :)

About how I play the maps in my vids, yes I try and show off the map visuals as I play. The playthrough takes longer than usual as a result but that is ok in my book. It's nice to relax and watch a playthrough and appreciate all the hard work that goe's into creating these maps rather than me doing some quasi-speed run l337ness through it and missing all the cool details! 
Secrets, Urgh.. 
Secrets usually piss me off because it often trivialises stuff. It's actually a pet hate of mine to finish quite a tough level, then find that there was a rocket launcher, three quad damages and a pent that I never found. Really, how many levels need to hide powerful weapons and stuff :(

First time I played Contract was on nightmare and it was so exciting and tough and down to the wire. Replaying it a year later I was finding quads and mega healths and stacks of nails and rockets and it felt like it was taking the piss out of my first time playing it :p

I'm gonna make a map with 30 secrets in and they will all have a small box of shells. And a Ring of Shadows. bah! 
I just noticed Daz's playthrough of Marcher on youtube. I really appreciate that you made the time to do that - the nostalgia is smothering me, but in a good way. :) I can't believe it's been seven years.

Speaking of nostalgia, recently I sat down at my laptop and felt an overwhelming compelling force driving me to install radiant and start throwing brushes around. As eldritch architecture began to take diabolical shape, I began to realise that I wasn't making a map - the map was making me.

Did I say map? Oops, I meant episode, sorry. 
Oh You Tease 
Just finish it ok? :D 
That's great news! It would be awesome to see new stuff from you. Any teaser screens? 
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