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Coding Help
This is a counterpart to the "Mapping Help" thread. If you need help with QuakeC coding, or questions about how to do some engine modification, this is the place for you! We've got a few coders here on the forum and hopefully someone knows the answer.
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Got it i think. After I calculate the new angles, I use WriteByte ( MSG_ONE, 10 ); Now, I dont know if this adjusts v_angle or angle, but hey... it works for now. Here is the code chunk for anyone interested;

ang_x = -8 - random() * 2;
ang_y = random() * 2 - 1;
ang_z = 0;
ang = ang + self.v_angle;

msg_entity = self;
WriteByte ( MSG_ONE, 10 );
WriteAngle( MSG_ONE, ang_x );
WriteAngle( MSG_ONE, ang_y );
WriteAngle( MSG_ONE, ang_z );

I'll throw together a tut soon (hopefully) 
Impulse Processing Takes Place After Physics? 
I'm wondering why is the W_WeaponFrame() function called in the PlayerPostThink() and not in the PlayerPreThink(), moving it doesn't appear to make a difference. Is it arbitrary? Or, did the developers intend to queue command processing for next frame after all entities had been processed?

I know pre and post run before and after player physics processing (or is it before and after all entities have had their physics processed?), when does the animation tie in to the flow of a single game step? In my own WIP game engine, the flow at every step is:

1) Capture events
2) Process logic/AI for all 'actors'(entities)
3) Animate all actors
4) Run physics on all actors
5) Render everything 
Different Weapon Pickup Sounds Crashes Quakespasm 
For my mod, I made sure that each weapon pickups have their own sounds. Same thing for armors and ammo boxes.
It works without a problem on darkplaces, but picking a weapon in quakespasm stops the current game and displays this:

Here's my code for armors:
My code for ammo boxes:
And finally, my code for weapon pickups:

As you can see, I used for all of them that "self.noise" trick that allows me to add different sounds for each items.
I find it wierd because picking up ammo boxes with that method in quakespasm doesn't crash it, even though they use the same technique. At first I thought that was because the whole "self.noise" root declaration was put after all the individual weapon pickup lines, while it was put before for the ammo boxes. So I tried to do that for the weapons, but while testing in darkplaces the weapon pickup sounds don't play. 
you need to precache sounds in the spawn functions, not the touch functions. Your armor and ammo code are doing it correctly. Your weapon code is doing it wrong. 
Thanks, It Worked! 
Source Code For Mission Pack #2? + Other Things 
I had someone test my first schlossherr map, and he picked-up the MegaHealth item in my map, and because they share the same itemslot, he got the BFG as well.

With this, coupled with the fact that I want 2 extra-items after being done with the BFG, I remembered that mission pack #2 had an items_2 thing that lets you store more items. Thing is, my google-fu is weak and I can't find its sourcecode, even in ModDB. Would anyone be kind enough to link me to it?
Another thing, since I'm adding additional weapons, how can I add extra HUD icons?

One last thing, Back when I was asking questions about my BFG problems regarding the projectile penetrating enemies, I recall someone saying something like "destroy the projectile which makes a new one with the same trajectory as the original projectile", but what's the way to pick up those coordinates and use them? 
Source Code For MP2 
I can't seem to find a regular download for the rogue QC either, but I did find a github account with it

It looks like some modifications have taken place since, but if you track back to the initial commit it's probably how the original files looked. Hopefully...

Another thing, since I'm adding additional weapons, how can I add extra HUD icons?

You only have three options as to how the HUD works. You can have the HUD like it is in vanilla, or the HUD from mission pack one, or the HUD from mission pack two. You can customise the icons themselves, but there is no way of rearranging them or adding more than what the mission packs have. The mission packs got special customisations to the engine code before the source was released, it's not something the QC gives you any ability to change.

Incidentally, items2 was actually introduced in hipnotic, not in rogue, so you want the mission pack 1 source code really! 
Had Rogue's QC From The Start 
Re-looking at it, and I have items2 defined in hip_def.qc (included in progs.def), which begs the question: if it was, then how come I have trouble adding items then? Or should I put my new weapons and items declaration from defs.qc to hip_defs.qc? Or is there something else that I'm missing? 
Two minor ideas. Firstly, make sure that it's being included in the compilation. Take a look at the progs.src file and check that hip_def.qc is in there.

The other think to think about is that you select between the three HUDs on the command line, not in the QC. So make sure you're using -hipnotic or -rogue on your command line when you launch Quake. Also keep in mind that you need the end users of your mod to remember to do that too! I expect lots of people forget with Quoth and don't see the plasma gun icon... 
Special Brushes Affiliate? (secret Doors, Platforms, Etc.) 
I'm asking what it is so I could properly made the BFG orb for my mod not to target them/make the orb explode on impact on them, and also so I can get around bleeding brushes when you hit them. 
Translated Article, I Cant Find An English One Right Now. 
Highly interesting avoidance of computation using some bytecode string (0x5f3759df)


Pay please! should read as numbers please. Stupid headline. 
Brush Entities 
I'm asking what it is so I could properly made the BFG orb for my mod not to target them/make the orb explode on impact on them, and also so I can get around bleeding brushes when you hit them.

Clarifying question: You still want the orb to explode when it hits the rest of the world, just not platforms etc? Is there any other exception you want the orb to explode when striking? 
I Want It To Explode On Any Brushes, It Usually Goes Through Enemies 
who get gibbed when hit by the orb, so my guess is that it will go through buttons and doors that need to be shot if I leave it at that.
Speaking of which I still don't know how to remove the orb and THEN create another one with the same XYZ coordinates it got when it was first shot, because leaving at that makes the orb bounce off.

Another thing, I've been trying to clean my weapon cycle code by looking at scourge of armagon's code, but things get more complicated when you have weapons that share the same slot and have different ammo consumption.
My code:
Compilation error message (can't really find what's wrong with the whole oldimpulse thing and all):
Hipnotic's part of the code (just in case): 
I feel more confused after your clarification. At the moment does the orb

1a) explode when it hits the world - yes/no
1b) explode when it hits a door - yes/no

Would you like it to

2a) explode when it hits the world - yes/no
2b) explode when it hits a door - yes/no

Please delete as applicable. 
1a yes
1b yes

Actually I just tested in the first map, and while it targets nearby shootable brushes, it kind of makes for a Power Bomb effect like in Metroid, where detonating one would reveal every secret tiles on the screen, so I think it's something I can leave on (still looking for a solution for those "custom explosion sprite doesn't appear" and "how do I make a new orb that shares the XYZ coordinates after removing the original once it collides with an enemy that got gibbed on direct impact?" problems). 
Man Daya 
There were four question, I still don't understand what part of your post is what it's currently doing and what part is how you want it to be different. 
Alright So 
1. Me being afraid of the BFG orb doing wierd things to special brushes (mostly secret doors, doors and buttons that need to be shot) was a false scare, so we're done with it

2. There's been a talk on the BFG orb ricochetting off a enemy who's been gibbed on direct impact, while the aim was to make the shot penetrate if the target gets gibbed on direct impact, and one solution was to remove the orb and make a new one using the same angle as the first one, to make it seem the orb goes through. I'm looking for how to code [remove orb] and [create new orb with the same coordinates as the first one at the exact same frame it first appeared].

3. When the orb explodes, it should leave a custom explosion sprite, but it doesn't. Wierdly enough, the blast sprite appears.

4. I'm currently having a problem with my weapons switching code, because if you have the nailgun or super nailgun in your inventory and press 4/5, it says "no weapons". So I fiddled around while looking at scourge of armagon's code, but when you have weapons that share the same slot AND have different ammo consumption (super nailgun=2 & gatling gun=1 ; Thunderbolt=1 & BFG9500=30) I run into trouble because of scourge's code. And I got a big compilation error for that. I'm also looking for ways of isolating both the "not enough ammo" and "no weapon" code so I can play a sound for each of them.
Compilation error message:
Weapons.qc code:
Scourge's w_changeweapon:

Hope I've been clear here. 
2. This kind of thing is hard to diagnose without playing around with it, but something to try: After you set velocity on the orb when you first launch it, add a line

self.pos1 = self.velocity;

This saves the velocity it should have.

In the collision code, add the reverse line

self.velocity = self.pos1;

This restores the missile's velocity after a collision. Try it, and remove it again if it doesn't help.

3. Twice in that code you write:


This is setting up the custom sprite, and then immediately removing it.

4. On line 1903 you have forgotten to comment out the bracket. This had made the compiler think that the function is over, so it doesn't understand why you're still talking about oldimpulse. 
Most Things Are Fixed But 
The self.pos1 thing makes the orb full-stop in thin-air when it collides with an enemy who gibs on direct impact.
Is there another thing I could try? 
That's because the first bit needs to be a bit different to what I said:

bfgsphere.pos1 = bfgsphere.velocity;

is what's needed. In the function where the orb is launched, self is the player and bfgsphere is the orb, so we need to save the value elsewhere. 
Still The Odd Ricochet 
# In Quake Compiling 

Today I downloaded the Transfusion SDK in order to start up on that project where the dev team left off. The source code comes with their own custom compiler, BQCC (Blood Quake C Compiler) which seems to have some types defined which frikgui.exe does not have.

The problem is, I'm more comfortable with frikgui.exe, because it has a far more sophisticated interface, along with tools for debugging any warnings or errors. Does anyone know what this means--

"Error Q548 common.qh(95) "#" is not a type

Does anyone know how I can make frikgui.exe recognize "#", along with any other types? 
Code written with customizations specifically for a certain QuakeC compiler aren't going to compile except for that specific compiler.

So you'll either have to re-write the problematic lines by hand yourself to work with the target compiler or use a compiler that can compile the code unmodified. 
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